Part 6

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"Solitary confinement seriously?" I said. "What the fuck does it look like?" He responded. "Solitary confinement." I said again. "Also you swear as much as Officer Micheal." He got really pissed of from that comment so he picked me up and threw me in the room and smashed the door on my leg repeatedly. The pain was excruciating. He put my leg back in the room and locked the door. "How long am I gonna be in here?" I screamed to him. No answer. It was very dark, like pitch black except for a little slot for food. The room was very small. "Alright ladies, dinner time!" I heard faintly on the p.a system. I got up to open the door and remembered I was locked in. "Hey, dip shit!" Officer Micheal said. I came up to the little slot, just letting him see my eyes. "What do you want?" "Here's your food." He pushed the tray right through the slot with eyes still there. It hit my nose and the tray fell on my stomach. The tray tipped over and the very hot scrambled eggs fell on my stomach. I screamed. I quickly pushed the eggs off of me. I then checked to see if I got any burns, and I think I had 3rd degree burns on my stomach. I picked up all the eggs I could find in the dark and put it back on the plate. I grabbed a fork and ate it. After I finished the eggs I pushed the tray threw the little slot. It made a loud crash on the floor. I then got a weird after taste. The after taste tasted like dirt crusted sweater, chemicals, and asshole. Why am I in solitary confinement? Oh yeah, I beat up a hoe. I sat in the corner with my knees to my mouth and my arms wrapped around my legs. I was very bored. "No!" I heard a girl scream down the echoey hall. "Please!" She yelled again. I heard footsteps. The door suddenly open. "Hey you, ugly face." The Officer said. "Get out of here!" He said in a strange accent. I got up and went threw corridors. Then I got to a middle where hallways are around like a snowflake.
I stood in the middle, looking around and thinking which one I should go threw. That one! No... ooh that one! I see light. Oh wait I see someone getting cut with a chainsaw. Oh wait that's the execution room. I'm not going in there. I'll just close my eyes and pick. I covered my eyes with my hand. Ini mini mini mo. Catch the tiger by the toe, if you hold him let him go, ini mini mini mo! I pointed to the execution room. Ok fuck no. I'm not getting slaughtered today son. I pointed to the room next to that. Wait I see jail cells! I'm going in. I walked to that hallway and looked at the jail cells. I've never seen those inmates before. Oh wait! This is the child related crimes part. I gotta go to the murderer part of the prison. I went back to the middle of all the hallways. This time I noticed that they had signs. I spotted the murder part and walked to it. I got in the part and completely recognized the place. Everyone was sleeping. I finally got to my cell and went in my bed. There was someone in it. I shook the person awake.
They rolled over to look who woke them up. "Hi." They said, tiredly. "Hi." I said back. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm your new roommate, Linda." "That is the most basic name ever. But where will I sleep?" "Um, I don't know yet. All I know is you shouldn't sleep on the floor, it's to cold. Maybe on the toilet?" "I guess I'll sleep on the toilet." I went to sit down on the toilet. I had a great sleep for once.

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