Part 8

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I sat alone on the bench for the rest of the time outside. I was deep in my thoughts, mostly thinking about Claire. Stuff like: I wonder what she thinks of me? And is she kill me or Linda? "Alright ladies, free time!" I heard. Someone came up to me and whispered: "why is the schedule so inconsistent?" I shrugged. We separated and I went back to my cell. Linda was already there. "Linda, why are you here already?" "Because. I'm hotter then you." "Okay fuck off Linda." "Calm down, I was just joking." "Yeah, and the next time you do that, you're dead fat boy." "Is that an Stephen kings it TV movie reference?" "Ok yeah." I walked in a little more. There was an envelope on the ground that said my name on it. I picked up and looked at the back. Nothing. I ripped it open and sat on the floor. It read: Hey sweetie, it's mom. I don't know how you got in jail but I'm okay with it. I've gotten in jail for a DUI. Anyways I just wanted to write to you because I don't know the phone number, just the address. Anyways I hope you read this. Love, mom. "Wow, I haven't spoke to her in like six or seven years." I noticed there was another paper in the envelope. It was written in pen with someone with very poor handwriting. It read: Hi Blaire, I've realized my time on earth has come to an end. I will be on the roof on the jail facing the courtyard. You know which roof. I will be jumping off during dinner time. Sincerely, Claire. My eyes opened wide and a tear started to shed down my face. I screamed and crumbled the paper up, and threw across the cell. "Oh my gosh what's wrong?" Linda said, worried. I couldn't answer. I was too shattered that Claire would kill herself. Linda then lifted me up onto the bed. I curled up into a ball. "Alright ladies, dinner!" I immediately jumped up and ran down the hall to the stairs. Linda followed after me. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I got up to the roof. Claire was there. "CLAIRE!" I yelled as loud as I could. Claire was standing facing the stairs. As soon as I yelled out her name, she fell backwards, off the end. "Claire!" I yelled. I went to the ledge. "Claire!" I yelled again. I saw her lifeless body on ground, eyes completely open. I was on all fours. Tears just shed down down face as I looked. Then I got pushed by the bum off the ledge. I fell. My hands grabbed the end, holding on for dear life. I looked down at the height. I was  fifteen stories above the ground. Only my hands were holding on, while the rest off my body, off the side. Linda looked at me with an evil smile. "Linda, why are you trying to kill me?" "Because I can. Also I hated you from the start." She pulled one of my hands off, only one hand holding on to the ledge. She stepped on my only hand holding on, and both of my hands let go. I was falling backwards, and everything went in slow motion for me. My arms and legs were flailing around, and all I could think off was: this is the end. I looked straight at Linda's face, who was just looking at Claire's dead body, and me; who was about to be like Claire. Then I heard two gunshots, and Linda fell down. Her blood from both off her wounds dropped on me. I turned around to see how far I've fallen. I was seconds from being dead. I finally reached the ground.
I landed on Claire's dead body. It cushioned my fall because I just got a couple bruises. Linda then came down, falling on top of me. She and Claire were dead. Officers rushed down to the courtyard. I actually made sure they were dead by feeling their pulse, and there was no pulse. I ran to dinner, which was just wrapping up. I grabbed a plate of food as quickly as possible and ate it. As I was eating I found out why Linda went with the officer.

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