Part 4

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I screamed a bit. The person covered my mouth. He got me out of my outfit. I closed my eyes and mouth, waiting for it to end. It didn't end, not for a long time. After a while I decided to to scream. So I did. Then Officer Micheal came into my cell. It was morning. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yelled in my ear. "Why are you such an abusive, obvious alcoholic, mother fucker police officer?" I responded. "Are you kidding me?" He asked. "No." He walked to the door of my cell. "You are also good in bed." My mind just went to sheer panic.
Why does he think that?
Why does he- what is wrong with him? I thought. I took a big gasp of air and walked to breakfast. Claire was already at breakfast, sitting at a table, zoning out, possibly buried in he own thoughts. I grabbed a plate of chemicals also known as prison food and walked to Claire and sat down across from her. "Hello?" I asked her. I waved my hand vertically across her face. "Yeah?" She answered, jumping up in some surprise. "Nothing." I responded. "I just saw you zoning out and wanted to quote on quote wake you up." "Oh." She replied. "How's your plate of chemicals I mean prison food?" I asked. "Meh. It's alright. Not as good as that other day." "Yeah that other day was awesome. Now again it tastes like Burt ass and piss. And sometimes shit." I took a big gulp of my quote "food" and gaged. "Oh my gosh Blaire are you okay!?" I kept gagging and vomiting. "SOMEONE HELP HER!" Claire yelled at the top of her lungs. People rushed over to me and did the thing where you go behind someone and thrust the hand into their stomach. I wasn't choking. I think I just had a serious allergic reaction to the food some how, even though it's mosh. When they were doing the thing to my stomach, I had a flashback to when I was seven years old. Me and this other kid both wanted to go down the slide first. We kept arguing until I pushed the kid off the high platform, and killed him. He actually landed right on his head and broke his neck. (I saw a lot of blood). The kids mom ran over to the kid and started to cry her heart out. Also that's not the reason I am in prison. Anyways I remember just looking at the kid with a devilish grin, and going down the slide first, and going back to my mom, we walking out of the park, the other mom chasing us, we getting away, and never seeing that woman again. I finally woke up in the infirmary on an actually comfortable bed. Claire was standing at the side of my bed. I looked around as if I have never seen that place before.
There was also a nurse at the side of the bed. "Can I be alone with my friend please?" I asked the nurse. "Of course you can." She walked out of the infirmary. "Claire we have to plan an escape. "Blaire are you crazy? This is one of the most high security prisons in America! There is no way we'd be able to pull it off." "But if we built a reputation of being good girls, they might no expect us to try to escape, so less security in our cells." "Why are you genus Blaire?" "I don't know. But anyways we'd go threw the vents to out of the prison and to freedom and no more crappy food!" "Okay Blaire." "Can I come in now?" The nurse asked. "Yes." I replied. "Job time!" An Officer yelled on the p.a system. "Well I gotta go." Claire said. "I feel better!" I said kinda loud to the nurse. "Well okay, go with Claire to your jobs." Me and Claire walked down the corridors and hallways to get to our job; which is laundry. We both were like a zombie until lunch. We both walked to lunch like zombies and sat there at the tables not eating. I ended up plopping my face in the food. Then it was yard time. I sat down on a bench and apparently fell asleep with my eyes open. It's creepy. The whole day dragged until bedtime.
I fell asleep in two minutes. Then a finger tapped me awake. I looked at the face. It for some reason wasn't Claire.

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