Part 2

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"Oh my gosh what happened?" I asked, petrified. "She's in solitary confinement." The lady answered, very calm. "She's gonna be in there for 3 months." She said again, even calmer. "I wasn't expecting that! Also I feel better."
"Okay, I'll let you go back to your cell." I walked back to my cell with a glum face. "How did she get into solitary confinement?" I whispered to myself. It was free time at this time. I was gonna walk through the cafeteria to get to the library.While I was walking through the cafeteria I think I knew why Claire got into solitary confinement. The place was trashed. All the tables for some reason had blood. Actually the whole cafeteria had blood everywhere. I stopped in my tracks and looked at the horror
I got a weird feeling in my stomach when I walked out of the cafeteria. I wondered how Claire was doing in solitary confinement. Since she is very social I don't think she is doing well. After walking through different hallways and corridors I got to the library. My other friend Kawilliana was there. She was reading Rita Hayworth and Shawshank redemption. "Where is the Stephen king book section?" I asked her. "There is no section for Stephen king novels." She said. "But your reading a short story collection by him: Different seasons." I pointed out.
"Shhh." She whispered, pressing her pointer finger against my lips. "Don't start kissing me!" I said. Kawillana screamed "GET OUT!" I ran to the door and stopped there to see wait happened to her.
A bunch of police came and put her and handcuff's and pushed her to the ground. I stayed at the door. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU HARLOT MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!" Officer Micheal yelled at her. I ran away to my cell but stopped far away to see what would still happen.
They started to hit her with a stick repeatedly and I ran to my cell. "Get to bed now, sweethearts, the show is over." Officer Micheal said in a sweet voice. I started to walk back to my cell and catch my breath by going slower. I finally got back to cell and dropped to my bed and fell asleep in about two minutes.

3 Months later.
I woke up fairly early and looked at the cell across from me, and noticed that there was a person sleeping in there. I got closer and pressed my face against the cell bars. The officers unlocked the doors and I walked over to the cell across from me. The person got up from the bed and walked out of the cell and walked over to me. "Oh my gosh!" I said in amazement.

Jail timeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant