Part 5

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It was Officer Micheal. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I yelled at him. "You know, just your usual thing." "What usual thing!?" "Checking the cells, stuff like that." I rolled my eyes and fell back into bed. I pulled the covers over my face to try and hide from him. "I know you were the one who had sex with me the other day." I said under the covers. "What are you talking about?" He responded. "Wait are you saying you aren't the one who raped me!?" "Yes that's what I'm saying." I got back under the covers in discomfort and fell back asleep. I dreamed about that day I killed that kid and me giving that devilish grin. Even in my sleep I did the same grin. "Alright ladies, breakfast time!" Someone on the p.a system yelled. I slowly walked to breakfast trying to figure out who raped me. I got my plate of food And walked to Claire's table. "Hey Claire, I got raped the other day." "WHAT? You got raped like me!? Oh fuck no I'm not letting this happen to my best fucking friend!" "I mean it already happened." "We need to find this bitch who raped us both! Do you know what? It was Officer Micheal." "Actually it wasn't." "Stop putting stupid shit in you're head Blaire." "I asked him this morning. He came into my cell. And then I asked him. He didn't even know about that." "Of course he acted like that! He doesn't want to get fired from his shitty job." "He wouldn't be able to keep a secret that well. When ever I ask him about something he did he does this devilish grin." "Did he do the grin?" "No he gave me this confused look like I asked him what he thinks the Southern Hemisphere is." "Does anybody know what that is?" Some people." I responded. "Do you?" "No." I said laughing. We both laughed pretty hard. "Hey!" Officer Micheal yelled at out table. "You better stop laughing or we'll just send you to solitary confinement.
"Oooooooooh." I said sarcastically. "Get the fuck out you piece of shit transgender motherfucking bitch." Officer Micheal said harshly. "Okay I'll go back to my cell." "No go to the library." "Okay?" I walked to the library and picked out a book that looked interesting.
It was The Queen Of The Tearling. It was interesting enough to keep reading. Claire walked over to me when I got on page 56. "So when are we gonna try the escape?" She whispered in my ear. "Wednesday." I replied. "Okay." Wednesday was about three days away. We sat there whispering in each other's ears planning the plan, making sure we get the right movement, stuff like that. "Alright ladies, lunch!" The p.a system yelled. Me and Claire went to lunch, got a plate of food, and went to a random table. (We don't go to the same table every time). "Are you actually gonna eat that?" I asked her. She gave me that look. "I guess not." I played with my fork, putting it in the mosh that they give you. "Okay, yard time!" Came from the p.a system. We went outside to the yard and someone came up to me. "Hi, I'm Kelly." She said shaking my hand. "I got arrested in 2010 for murdering 320 people in different countries." "Nice." "I even murdered one person that's related to you." I made that face of interest and confusion. "How do you know that's my relative?" "I stole his wallet." "Just because you stole his wallet doesn't mean he's related." "Your name is Blaire long right?" "Yeah." "The guy I murdered's name was Quinatino long." "You bitch!" Then I slapped her. "You motherfucking cunt ass bitch!" She responded slapping me. We then had a very intense hair pulling, verbal, violent fight with lots of blood. Police arrived on the scene very late. Like so late I broke her left arm and leg in the time they got there. "That's for murdering my first cousin you motherfucking cunt ass bitch!" A police man pulled my arm. "You are so going to it." He said. "Going to where?" I responded. I was going to what ever that place was. "We're here!" He said when we got there. I gasped when I saw the place.

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