Osomatsu-Kun returns!

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((Heads up there is like little to no dialouge, probably the first fic i take seriously with an actual story and I suck so criticism is appreciated because i dont know if things are flowing right or not or if anything makes sense- Although I make another chapter to clear up any confusion here scene wise(just realized it cleared up almost nothing LOL)))

It was past midnight with sextuplets laughing, eating, and drinking in the living room, reminiscing for the past for hours in the middle of summer. This could've been seen as just a normal scene of family bonding with brothers, if the fact it was midnight and they were sextuplets was ignored. All 6 of them were sitting around the table and enjoying themselves, even Ichimatsu who normally doesn't show or express his emotions well. But this was far from a normal night. That being for over 10 years they weren't sextuplets because their eldest brother was kidnapped when they were 10, and now he was sitting right in front of them with a huge grin on his face as if he was never gone.

For over 10 years he was missing, throughout that time the younger brothers started to slowly accept their brother was dead.

A couple hours ago they were called by a very trusted friend to go to his oden cart immediately without giving the reason as to why. The two oldest decided to go without telling the younger three.

They were nervous as their stomachs twisted, despite Chibita being their friend it was rare for him to ever call, especially with such urgency. When they approached the cart, there was a man sitting on the bench with a black hoodie, his hood was up so they couldn't see much. Next to him was an old looking duffle bag that obviously was losing its color. With closer inspection, it was dark red, although now it was dull probably from years of use.

Once they got closer, it seemed to catch the man's attention because he turned around. He had a big bandage (cloth?) on his right cheek that seemed to be taped with cheap see-through tape with a grin with pale like skin that was dirty, as if he hasn't taken a shower in weeks! The hoodie didn't look any better. He had baggy ripped jeans, although the rips on the jeans look more made than bought.

He took off his hood, knowing they were looking at him. His hair was black, greasy from the looks of it, and really messy, probably messier than Ichimatsu's with two cowlicks. His hair in a way was a little lengthy but uneven, it was obvious that haircut was done unprofessionally or someone who didn't know what they're doing, but it at least look like what the man might have intended it to look like in a bowl cut.

If you put the clothes and dirties that hid most of his features he shockingly looked a lot like them, like their brothers, the only different being the eyes. He had dark red eyes that seemed to have no light, no spark and were dull. But if they did have light, the mischief and devious innocence, he looked just like...


This lead to the present time, with everyone gathered in the living room talking about the lives of the younger 5 while their eldest listened with delight and the grin that never left his face, not even when they found him.

Throughout the time they spoke about themselves, Osomatsu himself hadn't said a single word about himself. They were all dying to know, to point out the obvious elephant in the room. It felt as if there was a package delivered to your house for a family member and they never told you what it was, but the curiosity was very present.

One of them decided to be the brave one, being filled with worried suspense and too much curiosity, Choromatsu spoke.

"Say uh...Osomatsu-niisan..?"

"Yeah what is it uh..." Osomatsu turned to Choromatsu with a face of concentration, answering with hesitation, "Choromatsu was it?"

Choromatsu felt himself get a little warm by the fact that in such a short amount of time, Osomatsu could already tell who he was. "Oh yes..! I just have a uh, question to ask...if you don't mind.." 

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