This is him.

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((i feel like this one was pretty borin and worse compared to the others and that now I'm just repeating myself, I'll try to be more creative in the next one!))

It felt like Osomatsu took forever in the shower, maybe he was in there longer than what an average shower time was supposed to be, however long that was. He felt greatful that no one decided to knock and left him alone; he wasn't sure if he'd be able to respond if they asked what was taking so long.

After drying himself with the towel the most he could, he dressed himself in the clothes they gave him. It felt odd to put on new clothes that were actually new and haven't been worn before. It was weird how perfectly it fit, although since he is a sextuplet, of course he would have a similar size to the others. Although the logo on the hoodie almost made him feel...branded. But the fact this was bought specifically for him gave him chills. He felt like he was dead for years and they waited for him to come back to life, which he did. Now he's a zombie that pretended to be the brother they lost, dressing in clothes meant for him and acting how they thought he would.

Although, that didn't mean he totally wasn't their brother and didn't genuinely care for them as one. The crying he did in the shower proved otherwise. If he truely didn't care, didn't feel guilty, or anything for that matter, he wouldn't feel like total shit and wouldn't care to control himself. If he didn't care, he would've left as soon as he woke up. But maybe, that also showed he cared. No, anything he could've done would show he cared for them, because they were always important. They were the reason he didn't lose all his sanity, that he tried to be close to a decent human being that felt bad for everything he's done. That he tried to convince himself that he was doing all of this for them, that he did whatever that man told him for years so he could finally gain his trust and let his guard down and take them back to Japan so he could end it where it all started. That he told himself he didn't enjoy everything he went through, that he hated it, hated himself, and would regret it.

But he knew better. Those were just lies. Things he told himself to justify everything he's done and how he felt. Really, he did enjoy it. He had so many times he could've called for help, that the man let his guard down and he could've ended this a lot more sooner, that he could've chose to run away or not cooperate at all and just die. But he didn't. There was no excuses, no justification.

Osomatsu shook his head, he shouldn't think of those things right now. The aftermath of a shower should be refreshing and a restart, not even more self-loathing thoughts.

Hesitantly, he looked at himself in the mirror again. He couldn't tell if he looked better or worse. His face was now clean so it was easier to see his pale like skin which was pinkish due to the hot water. His lips were dried and he had obvious bags under his eyes, both from lack of sleep and crying. His hair was still disheveled but looked neater when he tried to comb it with his fingers, maybe he can ask someone to fix it, who knows, maybe he'll look more like them. Now his facial hair was more obvious, he's definitely getting rid of it. The cut he thought wasn't so bad on his cheek might actually end up a scar. Great, after he tried so hard to keep his face spotless for years. His teeth were a whole new story. They weren't that bad, but stained with all the smoking he's done and lack of cleaning them for what, weeks? He's not sure whether the others paid attention to his teeth or didn't care, but is at least a little greatful that they never pointed it out. From now on he should really watch how much he smokes and try keep himself in better shape now that he has a better chance to.

Speaking of his teeth, he had to call Choromatsu for a toothbrush. It felt weird using what was inside the shower since it wasn't his, but he thought since they didn't say anything before it was okay. Now he just hoped the toothbrush was an extra. But how was he going to call him? Would he just look for him or call out his name?

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