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As Choromatsu went down the stairs after leaving Osomatsu to do his business, he was expecting something, anything, happening between his brothers. The more likely scenario, which ended up being correct, was a discussion. Even more so now that they could discuss about Osomatsu without him being there. Choromatsu wasn't sure if he was prepared to go back and must do their little "agreement", as if it was some law or rule.

It happened when they entered high school and were constantly having arguments due to ah...disagreements in the brothers. In order to make it peaceful and end things quickly, it was basically a vote. If there was one against three or four, then the "winner" was the one with the majority. This being said, if it was two against two, the odd one out will have to be the tiebreaker choosing a side by hearing out what each has to say. And sadly in most cases, Choromatsu had to be the tiebreaker. He never liked discussions or choosing sides, but it was easier than having two brothers trying to prove the other two they're point only for the other to do the same and its this endless cycle until someone steps in or the other surrenders, the latter was hardly ever the case.

Choromatsu was in front of the door, he could already hear the bickering. Now he mentally prepared himself to listen to both sides and have to choose, though because they will practically drag him into this and make him be the tiebreaker, he can make a mutual solution. And so, he opened the door to come face with Karamatsu and Ichimatsu on one side of the table while Todomatsu and Jyushimatsu were on the other side. They've seemed to stop mid-sentence when they heard the door open and turned the Choromatsu.

They all knew how this went.

They didn't say a word until Choromatsu sat in the middle, between Karamatsu and Todomatsu. He looked at Karamatsu, then at Todomatsu, and then put his head down while closing his eyes, letting out a sigh. "Alright, who started it? Speak first." The routine was about to begin as if it was rehearsed.

At that Todomatsu cleared his throat and faced Choromatsu, Choromatsu then opened his eyes and perked up to look right back at him. "Well, Choromatsu-niisan, I proposed that despite what Osomatsu-niisan told us, we should call the cops or some sort of authority or even any sort of professional help."

Choromatsu's eyes furrowed. So this was it huh? Now he understood the situation, but it made him question it, "Why? Osomatsu-niisan clearly told me to not call them and I promised we wouldn't."

"That's exactly why! Why would Osomatsu-niisan tell you not to call them? It makes no sense, you'd think that whatever he'd been through the police would be reinsurance!"

Karamatsu's voice then cut in, "That is the problem Todomatsu, we don't know what Osomatsu has been through. We can't just do something he doesn't want without even telling him first. We don't know how he'd react if he knew we called them, or anyone for that matter, it could trigger something." Todomatsu eyes then narrowed as he stared at Karamatsu.

Great. Here they go.

"Karamatsu-niisan I'm not dumb nor naïve. I've done researched about...cases similar to Osomatsu-niisan's just in case if he were to come back we'd have some idea of what to do since clearly we don't. This is a job meant for professionals Karamatsu-niisan, people don't come back and act so normal or like we remembered them, they change and we don't know how Osomatsu-niisan did! This is something only professionals that have dealt with this kind of situation can help with! We have no idea what we're doing or going to do Niisan... this isn't something we can understand or know anything about...You saw how he acted when Choromatsu-niisan asked him where he's been..."

Todomatsu then seemed to lower his head as he finished what he was saying. They all understood why he thinks this, why he wants other help so bad. He was afraid. They all were. Todomatsu is afraid they won't be able to handle him or be able to help him, while Karamatsu is scared of what officials would do knowing Osomatsu just showed up out of nowhere and after Osomatsu clearly stated he didn't want the cops coming here, which could betray their trust in them. But the same fear present in all of them is fear of Osomatsu. Of what he could do. Of what could happen to him.

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