Before you came back.

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((sorry that I write very vauge and pretty much in a general way without being specific and again with not much dailouge, I swear the next chapters is when the real plot will start! This chapter isn't really neccessary to read but is more of info/background/the life of the younger bros))

Once he went missing- No - Once he was kidnapped, the rowdy 6 troublemakers of Akatsuka Ward, also known as the Matsuno sextuplets, were no more. All that was left was 5 dejected 10-year-old boys who shut themselves out of society and were missing an essential piece that made them sextuplets, that made them who they are, a brother. The oldest nonetheless.

They never left the house and were seeing a therapist for 3 years. The issue of never leaving the house could've been blamed on the overprotectiveness of their parents, too scared to lose another son, or the fact that losing their older brother broke something in them to no longer continue to do anything without him without it feeling wrong and causing them sadness, there wasn't much complaints and no one could blame them.

They were homeschooled as well, drifting more out of society and not letting them develop much social skills that were bad enough before this whole incident.

Despite the overprotectiveness of their parents, their mother still tried to make them go out, even just for a bit, mostly making them go to the store with her. Anytime one of them did, or all of them did, they clung to each other and especially their mother as if she was keeping them on the ground and if they didn't, they'd disappear just like him.

For the first year, there was missing fliers everywhere, but nothing ever showed up. Once the entire year passed, they were told to give up because once a child has been missing for this long, the chances of them finding alive are very slim. They tried the second year, but when nothing came up the fliers were gone. They had to move on.

The brothers clung to each other even more, never letting each other out of their sight and didn't let any of them keep secrets, not like they had any to keep. The ones most affected were Ichimatsu and Choromatsu. To Choromatsu, he was his partner in crime, they did everything together and always had silly plans to mess with people. They were almost inseparable and Choromatsu was more than happy to follow his older brother in any scheme. Once he was taken, Choromatsu was devastated. First, he felt rage for the fact that his older brother left them without saying a word! Which quickly turned to betrayal when he realized he didn't tell him anything, he didn't tell anyone anything because he didn't trust them enough. Osomatsu didn't just him enough. Such partners they were.

Ichimatsu on the other hand, couldn't handle it. His older brother was taken and there was nothing they could've done, nothing he could've done. If only he had realized something was wrong even if Osomatsu hid it well, if only he could've just realized sooner. Ichimatsu started blaming himself for what happened to his brother, he felt immense guilt and fear. This later turned into him harming himself and having very low self-esteem. Of course his brothers would all try to convince and tell him otherwise, that it wasn't just his fault. Ichimatsu was the only one who continued to see a therapist after 3 years.

In their last year of therapy, except for Ichimatsu of course, they all had developed a bit more personality than was shown for the last 2 years. The most apparent being Jyushimatsu. He didn't like to see his older brothers so upset, let alone his only little brother! So he decided to smile for them and try to be their light of hope. It overall worked and even made Jyushimatsu feel better being able to cheer up his brothers. Despite this however, he wasn't the best at actually communicating his thoughts or feelings and when he was with other people that wasnt his family, he was more quiet and reserved, you almost couldn't tell it was the same person.

The next year high school was supposed to start. Their therapist highly recommended they try to rejoin society and their parents agreed. So, the next year they were all enrolled into a local high school, their first year having obvious circumstances. They were all put in the same classes to make them comfortable. They tried with little effort to try and do their own thing and socialize. Sure they didn't put too much effort, but they tried. Once the year was over and the next started and they were put in separate classes, none of them were left in a class alone without at least 1 other brother, they really tried. Jyushimatsu made it to the baseball team and Choromatsu and Todomatsu joined a study group together. Despite what they joined, they didn't talk much with others until the next year. Ichimatsu didn't join anything, and Karamatsu was more than happy to look after his younger brother.

Karamatsu took some English classes and wanted to join the theater club, but decided it was better to look after his younger brothers, especially Ichimatsu, now that he was the oldest. Being their oldest, he felt the need to act as it the best he could. He would hang out with Ichimatsu while they waited for everyone to finish up their clubs so they could all go home together. He gave up free time to look after his brothers and get a part time job to help pay the bills easier without being in a tight spot. Choromatsu later did the same, feeling obligated as the next oldest.

Once they all graduated, Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu were accepted to different universities, Ichimatsu decided to do nothing and be a NEET, while Karamatsu and Choromatsu continued to work, now full time, to support them all. They all still lived in their same house, no one wanting to move out. So whether it was coming back from work or school, they all returned to their home, sleeping together, eating together, bathing together.

They were now 20 something years old and have moved on. They made a funeral for their elder brother in their 3rd year of high school and visit every year together. Despite this, his name was hardly spoken, as if it was a forbidden word. This was mostly due that anytime anyone were to mention his name, there was either dread in the air or a heated argument, both ending up in heavy tears that wasn't a pleasant experience any of them want to meet and deal with.  

Now it was summer, Todomatsu and Jyushimatsu had a summer break and stayed home while taking part time jobs in this break to help make it easier on the two eldest. Their parents have finally decided to take a vacation and go overseas for a while after severe convincing from their sons telling them they need and deserve this break, that they could handle themselves. 

It was night time when they were all finally together, getting ready to sleep after having such long days despite the vacations and short hours. Although, the atmosphere was slightly unsettling. Next week would be the anniversary (anniversary? Makes it sound happy and noble) of their older brother's disapperance- no - death. The younger three decided to go get their futon ready and decended up stairs. The older 2 brothers stayed behind after having a small discussion and were about to go upstairs as well until the phone rang. Karamatsu decided to pick up the phone. 'Who would call at this hour?' he thought. It ended up being none other than his short Oden loving friend Chibita on the other end. "Hey you idjit! I don't care what brother this is or whatever you're doing, get to my oden stand now damn it! No excuses, I don't care whatcha wearing or who you take with you, get your asses over here now you idjits its an emergency!" 

Karamatsu was surprised by the tone in his voice. It was quivering and almost panicy and urgent, and it took a lot to make him this shaken up. "Chibita, what is it? Are you okay?" He finally spoke, trying his best to feel and sound calm but failed. "Just get yer asses here now and I'll explain as soon you get here, there is no time to lose ya hear?! Now go!" With that he hung up, leaving Karamatsu bewildered. 

"Is everything okay Karamatsu-niisan?" Choromatsu asked in concern.

It took a while for Karamatsu to compose himself after the confusing yet ominous phonecall from his friend. He then finally turned to Choromatsu with confused face, his eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not sure. Chibita didn't say why, but he wants us at his cart now. We should hurry and not alarm the others, it sounded pretty urgent!" Choromatsu nodded and followed as his brother went to their front door and put their shoes on, leaving the house.

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