A Box

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It didn't take long to find the duffle bag. It took about 5 minutes as Osomatsu went through 2 other rooms, the kitchen and guest room, before finding the parent's room. Or, that's what he assumed it was.

It was near the corner of the room and he immediately zoomed to it. The first thing he did was open it and check to see all the contents were inside. Once he was sure everything was left untouched, he hugged the bag close to his chest. It was the only thing he ever owned along with the contents inside, the only thing he was able to control and keep - part of his freedom.

After some moments of silence with his bag, he decided it wouldn't hurt to look around. It was a habit to look in all drawers of a room he entered, mostly to look for money, jewelry, or something useful or specific. Now, it was more to see if there was anything interesting and by pure curiosity.

What surprised him was how little clothes there were in the drawers. What also was off was the fact none of them were there despite being told this is their parent's house and this was their room. The only obvious proof of them other than the few clothes in a drawers was what seemed to be a wedding picture on top of the drawers. There was a tall woman with big round glasses and her hair put into a neat bun with a long white dress. It was a pretty simple dress, nothing too fancy with little design on the chest. Next to her was a short man with obvious buck teeth, a big nose, and in a black suit and a red rose on the suit's pocket. They both looked so happy together, as if they were meant to be together.

"Ew," he teasingly whispered to himself. Happy endings and couples were too sappy and sweet that it could give him cavities. They weren't really something he was interested in, he was never that romantic to begin with. Besides, he'd seen multiple 'lovers' betray each other to save themselves. It wasn't a loss he wanted to deal with and had more cons than pros to be in love. He preferred one night stands, where there is very little to no space for love.

After finishing looking through the drawers he moved onto a bookshelf, which was barely filled with books. As he moved from the bottom to the top all that was found was some more clothes, useless objects, and more junk. Nothing too interesting worth taking if he were to. The top shelf was hard to reach and there were items on top of the shelf too.

The perfect place to hide anything interesting and something that wasnt supposed to be found.

He took a small stool that was near a desk and got on it, looking at the top shelf and on top. It seemed it was another bust, until a big shoe box shaped box was on the very back on top of the shelf hitting the wall. It was made of cardbord and looked a little warn out. It was closed with a cardboard lid and two strings tied to it, one horizontally and the other vertically meeting in the middle in a tight neat knot.

The best reason he could think of for why it was hidden here was it could be some secret stash of money they hid from their sons. He thought about it for a second. Am I really going to steal money from my 'parents' who don't even know if I'm alive? Money they could've saved up for something they've wanted or was important to them? They seem to be living fine. Maybe not rich but definitely not poor! They also have actual jobs and people to care for them money and house wise, but what did Osomatsu have? Nothing. All the money he'd ever earn was stolen, and even then he always got pocket change. He obviously need it more. He also didnt exactly have a home, he never did because of so much moving. The closest thing to home was just cheap motels. But stealing hidden important money from his family would be so terrible and heartless!

Osomatsu decided he was always terrible and always will be, so he'll take the box.

It was hard to reach from where he was and even had to tiptoe on the chair, not the brightest idea since he was standing on a stool.

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