A decision

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When Osomatsu opened the door, he didn't know what to expect and prepared for anything. He knew it wouldn't be bad, but it ended up being what he feared it'd be and how he's been feeling, awkward.

They were all sitting on the floor around a round table with a lot of food, it looked almost like a buffet! It was weird how they all sat on the floor and the table was the right height for it. It must be another Japanese thing that wasn't done in the places he's been in. Just another thing to get used to he guessed.

What made this awkward was the atmosphere, he couldn't hear anything outside the door because they weren't talking. They were just sitting in silence until they turned to Osomatsu when he opened the door. He felt his smile threaten to waver but didn't let it, instead he just stood there and waved.

"Ah Osomatsu-...niisan," Karamatsu spoke, with a pause and hesitance on the "niisan". Karamatsu wasn't ever used to calling someone with that honorific, even in his letters he always wrote with "dear older brother" or just his name. Unlike with his younger brothers, niisan didn't role out of his tongue easy and he knew he's forgotten to use it when talking to or about him. He didn't want to be disrespectful towards Osomatsu, especially since he said it was okay to call him with honorifics and prefered it, "Why don't you-" Before he could finish his own sentence, he face palmed himself. All this did was leave Osomatsu confused and hesitant. What was he going to say? 

"Sorry- sorry I forgot to ask uh...are you okay with you know..." He oddly gestured to the table and around it, "Sitting and eating like this? If you find it uncomfortable and want to sit in a chair I completely understand. Or if you aren't...really...comfortable...eating and sitting with all of us, we wouldn't mind and completely understand!" Everyone else around nodded their heads with small nervous smiles. They all thought maybe they were moving a little too fast for his comfort, but Osomatsu being the stubborn not-wanting-to-make-them-feel-bad older brother, there was no way he'd ever openly admit this really was making him a little antsy. He might usually be blunt and say what's in his mind, not caring if he really knew the person or not and how it'd affect them, but they were one of the exceptions. He couldn't, as much as he wanted to. His emotions didn't let him, despite his mind screeching to save himself from anymore unwanted feelings and situations that he knows he will get, good and bad. Most of his thoughts (and/or paranoia) tell him they'll probably mostly be bad. 

"Ah don't worry! I don't mind either!" Osomatsu walked closer and looked inbetween Karamatsu and Choromatsu who were sitting together. They were the only two he's sort of spoken to and feels a little more at ease with. Funny how it was the two oldest of the five, maybe it was a "big brother" thing, who knows. 

Karamatsu then scooted a bit to his left, getting closer to Todomatsu, to leave some gap for Osomatsu to squeeze in. Choromatsu did the same but moved to his right. When there was enough space, Osomatsu seated in between them. 

They were all looking at him, or at least were looking down at something else and getting small glances at him. Not awkward at all. Instead of focusing on their gazes he decided to look at the actual food. Maybe calling it a buffet was a little over exaggerated. Everyone had a bowl of rice in front of them and had chopsticks, but in the middle of the table was some cooked fish, fried eggs, some vegetables (including the cucumbers), and some other small 'foods'. He was never a picky eater, there was never room for being picky when you eat food from places completely different than the last, so this seemed pretty good despite how weird this combination of food is, something he never thought he'd really eat. Yesterday they ate some snacks, but his hunger was still ever so present, making it look more savory. 

A rice bowl was pushed up in front of him on the table. He picked up the chopsticks and was ready to eat. Despite all the places he's been to and what he's eaten with, chopsticks were always fun to us and sometimes used them when they had some Chinese Takeout. Of course it wasn't authetic, but the real taste of the real thing had long left him. Now it was homemade in a place he used to call his home, with people who are his brothers, younger brothers at that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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