Chapter 4: Reconnectin'

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How long have we been in this oneness? Do we ever have ta leave? Who would want ta leave this state of indescribable . . . joy . . . and wonder?

We knew the danger of a mind-mesh. When the consciousness is separated from the body it's like being in a coma. The body cain't fend for itself. Without assistance it would die from starvation and thirst.

The Keepers Council gathers in a mind-mesh when they need to combine to consider grave problems, but they have acolytes watchin' over 'em. The acolytes are trained to revive 'em.

We didn't have acolytes, but we  had mommas. Our mommas watched, waited, and were prepared to bring us back. The only way to break a mind-mesh is ta trick the mind, it hasta believe the body's in danger. The sudden shock of ice cold water dumped on the head works. My momma knew all 'bout it since she's a Keeper. Ta me it was like diving inta a freezing lake. Woah I was back. I discovered my body was snuggly wrapped in my favorite blanket, and there was a fluffy towel on my head. Momma was busy dryin' my wet hair.

Freck's momma was doin' the same thing. Reorintatin' takes a minute or two. When I came 'round I felt real hungry, and had a powerful thirst. Just as I was about to say somethin' I was handed a sandwich and a large tumbler of water. Through mouthfuls of sandwich, I said, "How long was we gone?"

Momma replied, "Three days. At first we were terribly concerned. Your breathing was the only movement I could detect. I knew you were alive. Only a mind-mesh or a coma would keep you immobile and still breathing. I ruled out coma. It had to be a mind-mesh, but I did not know you had the ability to initiate one."

"What was it like?" Mizzus Anderton addressed Freck. "I didn't know what was happenin' ta ya 'cuz yer body was so deathly still."

"Oh Momma," Freck gushed tears, "I cain't begin to describe it. It was soooo wonderful." She stretched out the word so in a dreamy kinda way.

I agreed, "Like Freck said, it is indescribable, but some truly astonishin' things happened ta us in the mind-mesh. . . (yawn) . . . sorry, I'm real sleepy. Too tired ta get inta it right now. I turned my head towards Freck and mumbled, "Are ya sleepy too?"

She yawned even bigger than me while stretchin' her arms over her head. "I'm gol darned wasted. I don't understand why. Momma said our bodies warn't movin' at all. How can ya get so hungry, thirsty, and sleepy just sittin' still with yer eyes shut? It just don't make no sense. We have a whole heap ta tell y'all, but first we gotta conk out, okay?"

Both our mommas was real eager ta hear more. It was as obvious as a bee sting on their noses, but bein' mommas and all, they were more concerned 'bout our immediate welfare than learnin' our story.

Mizzus Anderton slapped her knees, stood up and made her decision, "All righty then. Freck, let's go home and let ya catch forty winks."


When I woke up, the first thing I did was mentally check in on Freck. Dang, she was still sleepin'. I didn't wanna start jabberin' without her, so I pretended I was still asleep too.The thing 'bout fakin' sleep, especially when yer warm and comfy, is ya slide right back ta sleep again. After awhile, I felt Freck mind-probin' me ta see if I was up. "Freck I was waitin' for ya and I dropped off again."

She mind-spoke, "Well we're both awake now. I'll get dressed in my Keeper clothes and be right over."

Keeper clothes. Hmm . . . that got me ta thinkin'. We was still wearin' the green robes ta let people know we was cigam students. We're now Cigam Masters (CM) like Gee. I scratched my head. He don't wear no clothes, but we cain't go 'round naked as a jaybird, can we? Gee is the only Cigam Master we knows. Maybe all CM's are recognized by their bare skin. That is a disturbin' thought. It's kinda like one of those dreams where ya find yourself in school without a stitch on.

Freck & Wishes in Death of Gee (Wattys Longlist 2018)Where stories live. Discover now