Chapter 7: Myan Connection

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Breezy coiled down the tree trunk ta the ground. I hoped she wouldn't take us by way of the dense thicket. We'd get stuck in there for sure. I really didn't hafta worry none 'cuz she warn't tryin' ta lose us. Instead she showed us a path more human friendly.

The blue was fadin' as the sky took on a pinkish-orange cast. The same way it does in Burns when the sun is closin' it's sleepy eyes for the night.

Freck mused, "Sunsets are my favorite. They's different every time dependin' on clouds. It's a celebration of a job well done, complete with party streamers of scarlet, fuchsia, tangerine, and buttercup. Sunsets make me wanna dance."

"Well, go ahead then." I encouraged.

"All righty, I will."

She did a joy dance that reminded me of the dog Snoopy in them Peanuts cartoons. Maybe it was closer to an Irish jig. Freck put her whole heart inta it. She made her own dance rhythms with her feet. It was so clear ya could almost hear it. I couldn't help but smile. Even Breezy got caught up as she sent ripples down her emerald scales matchin' the beat. I ain't much of a dancer, even still my toes was a tappin'.


When Breezy said Borostown was made of stone, I thought of a loose stack of rocks formin' a kinda cave. Boy was I wrong. Borostown was incredible. It was a genuine city. Not that it rivaled Tampa, the biggest city I ever been ta, but it was purty big. It had tall buildin's with fancy designs carved inta the stone walls. Thar warn't much color. They didn't need it, the Boroses was colorful enough. The residents were every gol darn color you could imagine. More colorful than the big 64 piece crayon box. Some slithered, but most walked upright on their legs. Freck and me warn't too shocked 'cuz we already saw Breezy's arm. We figured there must be more limbs hidin' under her scales. Their legs was sturdy lookin'. They had ta be, otherwise they'd have trouble pullin' their long tail train b'hind 'em.

It didn't take long before word got 'round that we was here. No matter how long I live, I'll never get used to bein' gawked at like we was some kinda celebrities. Heck we didn't do nothin' that anyone else wouldn't a done. We warn't heroes. The truth is we're darned lucky just ta be alive.

Boroses came out of the buildin's, or hung out the windas just ta see what was goin' on. You'd think a parade was passin' by. Freck could tell all this attention was disturbin' ta me. She whispered in my ear, "Just smile and wave. That will give yer mind somethin' else ta do."

Of course she was right, ya cain't stop worry, by worryin' about the worry. Ta fix fret ya gotta engage with the outside world. I smiled, and waved, and looked at the wonder in their faces. Ya gotta accept it when good things come ta ya.

Breezy didn't stand up. If she did, she'd be at least eight feet tall. I don't think she wanted ta overshadow us. It was pro'bly a show of respect.

Freck was lookin' at the buildin's with her mouth agape, "Wishes, these kinda remind me of those lost cities in Mexico. I seen pictures in National Geographic along with drawin's showin' what they musta looked like b'fore crumblin' down. Do ya think the Boros lived on earth a long time ago? Nobody knows for sure what happened ta the people. They all left, abandonin' their cities ta the jungle."

"Ya know Freck, there's gotta be a connection. Snake images appear everywheres. They's engraved in their stonework. Archeologists supposed the people worshiped snakes, but what if they warn't snakes at all? The Biblical word is serpent. I just thought serpent was just a high falutin' word for snake. Maybe snakes and serpents are two entirely different things. If the word serpent refers to the Boros, that sure makes the Adam and Eve story make more sense. It was troublin' ta imagine a snake talkin' Eve inta eatin' that apple."

Freck & Wishes in Death of Gee (Wattys Longlist 2018)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat