Chapter 11: It's War!

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It was awful. We couldn't plan, think, or speak, otherwise she'd be tipped off. Personal mind blocks didn't work. I tried. Ya know, there's many layers of consciousness. I wondered if'n it was possible ta zone-out, and sink inta a lower level for privacy. What 'bout mind-mesh? Freck musta had the same thought at the exact same time 'cuz we went inta an instant mesh.

"Are we safe?" Freck asked.

"I dunno. Let's think on sumpin' simple like flowers, or trees, and see if WormWood overhears us."

"Wishes, how will we know? What if'n she wants us ta feel like it's okay ta talk freely, so's we spill the beans. We ain't got no more understanin' of her 'bilities than a flea does a hound dog. The only thing we knows for sure is there's a lot more ta her."

Just like that, the normal cloud-like mesh gave way ta crystal clarity. Gee joined us, and we was once again the ONE. What a relief. As before, we blended. Instead of three individuals thinkin' on similar lines, we was combined ta form somethin' much greater. This warn't the Gee Team—that ended with Gee's death. The combined ONE warn't just us neither. Together we had no boundaries that we knew of. The ONE was responsible for all the In-Worlds; the Gardener decreed it so.

WormWood was a terrible threat ta Gee's home world. She already proved it by unleashin' the bloodthirsty Beezzuks onta the peaceful Boros. "What other in-worlds have suffered her wrath?" The ONE wanted ta know. "Surely this isn't the first planet she's harmed." The ONE realized it was the supreme question that had ta be answered. Ya cain't fix it if'n ya don't size it up. What if'n ya started ta patch a tiny hole in a dam without knowin' there was a crack on the other side runnin' top ta bottom? The patch would be for naught and ya might get killed in a sudden collapse. Not knowin' is extremely dangerous.

The ONE figured a bein' as power-hungry as WormWood would nev'ah be satisfied with controllin' just one world. It seems she got Cylandria 'cuz of the Salamander plague. It sure seemed convenient—way too convenient if ya ask me—that the deaths of millions fit so nicely inta her plans. One sentient race, includin' Gee, was now outta her way. The other was the Boros.

Evil seeks evil, as my Gramma used ta say. It's no surprise WormWood was drawn to the Beezzuks. They were already a savage species. Ta rule 'em would'a required a terrifying show of superior power. I shuddered ta think 'bout what ruthless things she musta done to force their obedience.

Then it was just a matter of organizing 'em inta a bloodthirsty army ta overcome, and rule Cylandria. With only me, Freck, and the Boros standin' in her way, she hatched a devious plan. She had ta get us outta Borostown by convincin' us that the Beezzuks was just sent ta find us, nothin' more. For some unknown reason to her (she fake cried) they went on a murderous rampage. Thank goodness she stepped in ta stop the carnage. But it was all part of her plan. She had ta persuade us by tellin' us that she would fill in as our Cigam teacher. She might'a succeeded if it warn't for the need to spy on our every thought. Second, once we was far away from Borostown (unknown ta us) she'd send back the Beezzuks to finish what they started. With us under her wing the opposition would be neutralized. Cylandria would be hers. It was a game of domination. The more she dominated, the longer her reach.

As the ONE, we knew she was the in-world's greatest threat. The ONE couldn't allow her ta continue unchecked, that's for gol darn sure. In that moment, the ONE declared war against WormWood.

It's a good thing we was the ONE 'cuz we could now lay plans without her eavesdroppin'. She warn't stupid. She'd figure out right quick that we was outta reach. Our minds was safe, but what about our bodies? Our bodies was in grave danger. It was plain she intended ta make us her disciples, bowin' ta her every whim. She thought she had us right where she wanted. But if she couldn't have us complete, she'd surely blow her top. Ya didn't need no crystal ball ta see what was comin'. She'd take out her vengeance on ever'thin' she could. The only thing still in her grasp was our utterly defenseless bodies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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