Chapter 6: Cylandria

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Cylandria was just like Earth. All in-worlds started out the same. What makes 'em different are the inhabitants. They make their worlds over ta their own convenience. Humans do it too by buildin' dams, levelin' ground for construction, and fellin' forests. So, even though the basic frame is identical, but it don't mean ya know yer way around. We left by way of the Glades Palace, but landed in a swamp. It's a good thing we got the Cigam ability from Gee ta levitate so's we didn't splash down in the awful muck.

Salamanders prefer a moist environment. Since giant salamanders are Cylandria's dominant species, swamps are ideal for 'em. I suspect we've landed on a very watery world. Where would they get so much water? In-words, like Earth, have more water than dry land if ya consider the oceans.

Since the oneness, Freck and me are purty well connected all the time. We still talk, though. "Freck, nows that we's here what do ya suppose we do next? We was in such a hurry ta leave that we didn't make no plans."

"I was wonderin' 'bout the same thing. If'n we was on earth we could scout the area in an airplane. If'n we was in the Kingdoms we'd do some surveyin' by floater. We need to know the lay of the land. Gee coulda told us, but he never talked about his home planet, did he?"

"No Freck he didn't. Come ta think of it, the first time I remember hearin' the word Cylandria was when Grandma Chrys told us that Gee came here ta help with the plague. Do ya wonder why he kept it all ta his self?"

"Maybe he just never got 'round to it. We was all so busy with stoppin' wars, fightin' lairbeasts, and learnin' Cigam, that there warn't time for reminiscin'. We had ta keep our minds focused on dealin' with every crises. If'n he had brought it up I'm sure he knew we'd have a million questions. How long would it take ta answer them all?

"Yeah that makes sense, still I wisht we knew somethin'. I have an idea Freck. What if we search through Gee's memories ta find out what we need ta know?"

She looked up, right with her eyes. I already knows she does it when thinkin' real hard. I also knows it's best not to interrupt her. So there we were sorta hoverin' over the water just a thinkin' hard as we could not payin' no never mind ta what was goin' on around us. We was surprised by a mind-voice addressin' us.

"Hey what are you two earthlings doing here?"

Freck snapped to, and responded, "We came ta help with yer plague."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"We don't rightly know yet." She told him.

That's when I piped up, "Who are ya, and where are ya hidin'?"

"I am not hiding, I'm on the tree branch to your left."

We turned our heads in that direction, but I still didn't see nothin'.

Freck asked, "I believe I see a large, hazel-colored snake, is that you?"

"You insult me child. On Cylandria we are known as Boros, and we are sentient. Can the so called snakes on your world mind-speak?"

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean ta offend ya. I've never known of any earth snakes mind-talkin'. You took us by surprise 'cuz we thought the salamanders was the only speakin' species here."

"If you ask those uppity creatures, we are an abomination. Hisss. They would just as soon we all dropped dead. Instead, they are the ones dying off. Their plague has no effect on us, so maybe we will rule Cylandria when they are gone."

"That seems harsh." I said. "It makes me wonder if the slithers had somethin' ta do with the plague."

"Wishes please stop. We have no right to start pointin' fingers."

Freck & Wishes in Death of Gee (Wattys Longlist 2018)Where stories live. Discover now