Chapter 5: Let Down

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Did they believe us, or not? Things would go much easier if they did. The unsettled looks on our mommas faces was dang worrisome.

Momma spoke first, "As far as I know, you have always been truthful. Even when you went into the woods at night, you did not deny it. You can be disobedient, but you do not lie. So, that tells us that you honestly believe the Gardener spoke to you. That leaves us with two possibilities, either that you are telling the truth, or you are not quite right in your right minds."

Mizzus Anderton was cryin'. She couldn't even look at us. She blubbered, "I'm so sorry. I just cain't believe it. What are we goin' ta do? What will yer daddies say?"

The rest was unintelligible.

Freck and me didn't say nary a word, but we had a private mind-discussion goin', "If'n my adopted momma don't believe us, who will?"

"Do ya think there's another way to convince them?" I wondered.

"Shush Wishes, I think yer momma is gonna say somethin' more.

Momma was a tad puffy around her eyes, but she warn't overcome with tears. She musta done her cryin' b'fore comin' in. She did take out a hanky and blew her nose b'fore speakin'. "Wishes, Freck, what you are asking us to believe is contrary to everything I know. If I stood behind you and was proven wrong, I would never live it down. Gullibility would haunt me forever. Because I am your mother, others may understand. Even so, I would still be branded as the mother of an insane son. Either way is hurtful."

Grandma Chrys mind-spoke, "As leader of the Glades Kingdom everything I say, or do, carries the weight of responsibility. I must be convinced beyond doubt. What you told us is incredible. I am not saying that I do, or do not, accept your story. What I cannot do is take a public stand. Of course, all on the Council are already, through our mind links, privy to this information. I am very certain they entirely agree with my decision to remain silent, for now.

"Keepers revere Cigam Masters, as you know from your visit to our museum. Wishes, you accidentally employed Cigam to freeze mid-leap that panther chasing you. Later you went to our museum and saw first hand, how the display of the still frozen cat, awes us. Keepers flock to it because it is evidence that Cigam is real. Most of our people will never experience a Cigam miracle in their lives. To achieve any Cigam level at all usually requires a large commitment of time and focus. You were born to it. The Council with Gee's help facilitated your development because we foresaw a need of your assistance. I am proud to say the two of you have exceeded all expectations. Your exploits whether you know it, or not, are well known throughout the Kingdoms and many in-worlds."

Freck interjected, "We've been told that thousands of books are already written about us."

"That is true. Even though quite young, you are the stuff of legends. Your raw potential was obvious, but potential does not make one a Cigam Master. You know it, and the people know it too. The problem is that what you sincerely believe happened would disturb the people. If they see you wearing master's robes they are likely to think you are putting on airs and mocking Gee's great accomplishments."

"Oh shoot," I said, "we didn't think of that. We would never want to do anythin' ta bring shame to Gee's memory. What can we do?"

Grandma Chrys acknowledged, "There is not much you can do other than keeping it confidential. That means do not wear Master robes in public. Let Keepers and others see your deeds, and come to their own conclusions. Actions, not words will bring them around."

I'd like ta say we was surprised by their reactions, but we warn't. Neither of our mommas thought it was true. Grandma Chrys hid behind public responsibility. If'n they couldn't accept us—no one could. That hurt. I felt like cryin', but couldn't 'cuz like Momma told me, there would come a day when I'd shed my last tear. This is that day. Would I ever cry again? Who knows?

"Wishes," it was Freck mind-speakin' on our private communication channel, "we knows what we hafta do. Ya said it earlier, we are now adults in the sense that we have more knowledge than all of them combined. We still hafta integrate it, but over time, we will. Now, we need ta accept ourselves, and use our new 'bilities ta find the cure for what killed Gee. That's why we was brung here, right?"

"For sure Freck. We have all the knowledge and power to do it. There's no better time than now ta get on with it."

It was decided. Freck broke the news ta 'em. "Grandma Chrys, Momma, and Wishes' Momma we have sumpin' ta tell ya. We knows we gotta prove ourselves, so we decided ta do our job. We's gonna leave for Cylandria immediately, and find the cure for Gee's illness."

Sayin' goodbye was a waste of time, so winked out right then and there. The power ta travel through space and time belonged ta both of us. Instantly we arrived in Cylandria.

Freck & Wishes in Death of Gee (Wattys Longlist 2018)Where stories live. Discover now