Chapter 9: Anialation Averted

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GL woulda stroked his chin if'n he had one. Ya could tell by his eyes he was ponderin' my question. "Most Boroses say they don't believe in ghosts, but on the other hand, almost all believe in spirits. I'm not sure why that is. Breezy can you help me out here?"

By this time we was at the table enjoyin' the Boros dinner we helped make. I gotta say I was darned cautious of anythin' I put in my mouth, so's I watched Freck. If'n she didn't like sumpin' I wouldn't try it. Mostly Freck was chompin' away merrily. "Yum Breezy," Freck gushed, "this dinner's really good, and I ain't even tried ever'thin' yet. I was a bit hesitant over the celeboini, but dunked it in the purple puddin' stuff. It warn't hardly hot at all."

I'm happy she liked it, but as for me I warn't gonna go anywheres near celeboni again. Aside from that, I had ta agree with Freck. This stuff was almost good as Keeper food.

Breezy responded ta GL's question. "I think every living thing has a spirit. Without it, the body is dead. That goes for plants and animals too. That's why we give thanks to the Gardener for everything he grows. We like to think the Boroses are favored, but that's nonsense. Whatever Gardner creates is needed, even those flying Beezzuks are necessary, or we wouldn't have them. Maybe some day we will find out why. Until we do, we must do what we can to prevent them from eating us.

"As for ghosts, if the Gardener makes them they are real. We don't know one way or the other, but if you come across one, you better stay out of its way—if possible."

Freck piped up, "Is there any way ta tell the difference?"

I thought on it, "Maybe if'n it scares ya it's a ghost, but if'n it comes all peaceful like it's a spirit. When Gee came inta our mind-mesh I don't believe he was either one. Are there three different things—brain, mind, and essence? I knows that brain and mind ain't the same, but is essence the same as mind?"

"Sure thing," Freck added, "the brain is buried with the body. It don't go nowheres. In school we learned the brain controls our bodies, but our minds are in charge of the brain. Maybe mind dies along with brain, and essence is what leaves."


After that fillin' meal I was gettin' sleepy, that is until the Beezzuks alarm screamed.


"This isn't good!" sputtered the mayor all shocked. His hands was twistin' and turnin' ta beat the band. "They don't attack at night. When it's dark they can't see color." He slid over to a device in the livin' room resemblin' a TV. He was almost shoutin', "BCD (boros communication device) connect to the watchtower!"

A ruby red with lime green spots Boros appeared on the screen. Behind him ya could see other watchpersons scrambin' in a panic.

"What in the Gardener's name is going on!" Mayor GreenLeaf was shoutin'.

"We're under attack—are you safe Mr. Mayor?"

"I am, and so is Brezzy."

"Stay inside, and if you have a basement go there and wait. A half-dozen Beezzuks landed outside of town. Instead of flying they are sniffing the ground searching for us. They've already leveled SweetTree's house. We've heard no further word from the Trees . . . "

"Are you all mad in the watchtower? Have you entirely forgotten about the escape tunnels underground? I demand you use the emergency channel to instruct our people to go into the tunnels immediately!"

"Yes sir. They were built so long ago that most have no memory of them."

"Then, by the blood of our ancestors, tell everyone about the hatches in their homes, and businesses. Good-Gardener-Sakes-Alive. I swear by the my mother's fangs, if anyone is lost because of forgetfulness, I'll have your hides tanned and mounted on the walls of City Hall. BCD off."

Freck & Wishes in Death of Gee (Wattys Longlist 2018)Where stories live. Discover now