•Moxllihan - Are you sure I can't?

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"Are you SURE I can't punch him in the face?"


"What if I break his nose a little?"


"Are you DAMN SURE I can't punch him in the face?" Jon's face was plastered with a scowl, arms crossed as he glared at the shorter man.

"Yes, Mox. I'm sure," Sami sternly replied.

"What if I break his nose a little?" A grin formed on Jon's face, hoping he could tempt his boyfriend.

Sami was persistent on keeping Jon within his sight though, "I ain't a bank, Mox." He was growling now, "I'm an almost broke man livin' in an apartment with a lunatic who's doesn't know when to shut his fucking mouth sometimes!"

Jon rolled his eyes without a care in the world. His plan of tempting Sami was definitely out the damn window. "At least I saved your ass from Gage!" He snapped, "If I hadn't found you an' Gage, ya' would've been his bitch for the month."

Several workers looked over in their direction, earning themselves a threatening look from Jon. They immediately looked away in fear Jon might lash out at them. Sami, with a disappointed look now replacing his stern one, grabbed Jon by the wrist and dragged him into their locker room.

The whole incident happened earlier, a few moments after Jon's match. He just defended his title against Brain Damage and was at least tired and drained of his adrenaline and stamina. He was going to meet up with Sami to talk about his match right after his own, but came to find Nick pinning Sami against the wall.

Jon quickly marched over to Nick and aggressively pushed him off Sami, making him fall to the floor and look up at Jon. Jon yelled some things Sami couldn't understand because of how sudden it happened, then as quick as Nick was caught started, his boyfriend had grabbed Sami's hand and went away from Nick.

Jon checked Sami for anything inflicted, when he knew he had distance. Though when Jon saw at least a few bruises on Sami's right arm, he was certain he would kick Nick's ass. Sami, though, didn't allow Jon to leave his sight.

Which has led to their current argument.

Once in their locker room, Sami released Jon's wrist and began shoving all of his stuff into his bag. Jon did the same but gave up halfway. "So that's it, Sami? Have nothin' else to say to me?" Jon asked. He lowkey felt bad, he hated himself half the time he was with Sami. With a bit of confidence and hesitation, a mumble left his lips.

"'M sorry for bein' an ass.."

Sami perked up, freezing. He processed the mumble in his head, Jon saying sorry? Now of all places?

Jon sighed, he'd say sorry rarely so he hoped this would reassure the shorter man. He repeated himself, much louder. "'M sorry."

Sami turned to him, a small smile forming on his face as a chuckle escaped his lips. "I was hoping you'd say that before we leave."

Jon smiled too, "Y'know I'm an asshole but I'm your asshole."

"Ya' got that right, Mox."

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