•Only One Lunatic Can Live (for Fanfic Bootcamp

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Dean mindlessly twirled his hand, watching as the shadows swirled into a small ball. Gravity took over and the ball suddenly fell into his palm, and with the flick of his wrist, he threw the ball against the wall. It bounced surprisingly, then it flew back to him, and he caught it with his hand.

He continued to play until he heard a voice he couldn't recognize.

"Whoever put this are a bunch of idiots!"

The voice was filled with insanity and small bits of laughter, something that only he could possess in Immortals.

No, it wasn't either Roman's or Seth's. It had to be someone else.

Someone he has no knowledge of.

Dean stood up from his spot in what was formerly his asylum cell... ahem, asylum cage. His bare feet now stepping on the cold dirty tiles. He exited through the giant hole, a mist of shadows following behind him in his wake.

He ventured through the darkness...
"An unwanted piece of crap so it seems..."

Dean watched from afar, the voices in his own head swirling; telling him to find out this mystery man's motive.

So he did, he swirled his hand again and the shadows turned into a person... well, more of a shadow person. It had a large frame, cladded in armor and had a sword strapped to its back.

With a snap of his fingers, the personified shadow turned to a giant mist and attacked the mysterious person. He snickered, watching the shadow turn back to its human form and effortlessly hit the person with ease.

Yet he didn't want to kill this person immediately, like what he did with unwanted visitors, he saw them had the guts to take a teaspoon of that wretched lantern's purple fuel.

Dean's eyes narrowed, and then his eyes flickered from blue to red quickly. That caused the shadow's body to glow a faint blue, it grabbed the person by their arms and threw them a few feet into the air. Gravity brought them down as the shadow punched them repeatedly back upwards, it delivered a few punchesbefore delivering a punch as if it was a shotgun that sent the person into the wall.

The shadow dispersed, revealing Dean who took its place. Before he could take a step forward, the person laughed; as if the pain didn't affect him as blood dripped from his head. Dean walked over to him, a glare imminent in his blue eyes; despite it being hard to see clearly with the slightly dark atmosphere and the Hannibal mask covering most of his face.

"How come you aren't dead?" Dean growled, lifting the masochist by his throat. "You don't seem like an Immortal. Now tell me—who are you and what are you doing here?" He examined the person's face; vibrant green hair, purple clothing, green eyes, and a smirk that he extremely hated.

The person coughed up blood, smirking at Dean as he answered. "I am the Joker, and I wanted a little adventure into this 'home' of yours. And who might you be?"

"That doesn't matter, bitch." Dean said as he dropped Joker.

"My, my. Such language." Joker commentated. He stood up, whilst stumbling a bit.

"We should change that."

Dean put his right hand behind his back, the barbed wire wrapped around it tearing the shirt he oh-so loved.

"You aren't welcome here, Joker." Dean told him, the shadows around the asylum pilling up into his hand. "Not in my asylum, nor in Immortals."

Joker shook his head, palming his pistol behind his back. "You're isolated, buddy! You live alone in this dump!"

"You know, you know, we could team up. Whaddya say? I mean look us! We're lunatics!"

Dean scoffed, "I'd never team up with another lunatic. I'm the only lunatic here in Immortals, and besides, I don't rely on a stupid bat to make my adventures interesting."

Unbeknownst to Joker, Dean had controlled Joker's shadow, causing his shadow to be under Dean's control and him to know all of Joker's memories. And he didn't like it one bit when he concluded that Joker had intentions of making Immortals a crime riddled city just like... Gotham... as he scoured through more memories.

Joker growled, now fuming with anger. "Batsy is fun to play with, for your information! I have a lot of crimes in mind for us to execute, you know!"

"I'm not going to be your partner, dammit!" Dean barked, he stomped his foot on the ground and the shadows pinned Joker to the spot he hit earlier. "I won't let Immortals be a harder place to live in, jackass. We already have a damn lantern problem; we sure as hell don't need another lunatic problem too."

Joker laughed, mumbling to him. "We'll see about that..." He pulled out his pistol and shot Dean in his shoulder.

Dean yelped, dropping Joker as he held his shoulder in pain. He pulled away his palm and there it was, his blood.

"C'mon! Let's see who's the real lunatic!"

Joker laughs followed, and in response Dean snapped his head towards him and yelled.

"It's on!"

Dean quickly conjured up a few shadows in his hand and shot them towards Joker, as he shot multiple bullets towards him. Either man quickly dodged the other's attack, repeating the process two more times. By the third, Dean had summoned a shadow below Joker to keep him in place. As the shadows wrapped around his legs, the other shadows strike him the face.

After the strikes, Dean dashed in front of him, a baton in hand and slashed at Joker. Causing Joker to scream as a strong shock was sent through his body. As he spazzed out, shadows overlapped Dean's left fist and he swung, making Joker fly into the wall.

Broken cement was everywhere. Making the place more broken than it was. Dean didn't care what was happening though, he could just use a bit of shadows to clean as much as he could. This was his home afterall.

Joker yelled, struggling to get up. "C'mon! Is that all ya've got?!" He palmed the flower on his suit, then stood up. "C'mon! Cat got your tongue?!" He grinned towards Dean.

Dean didn't budged, but more shadows swirled by his fists as he kept his glare at Joker.

"Leave, Joker." Dean growled, conjuring up more shadows behind him. "Return back to Gotham 'cause for the last time: I'm not going to be your partner."

Joker chuckled, "But crimes are fun, buddy! And you're a lunatic! Don'tcha think you couldn't be a hero here?"

"Despite that, Joker," Dean began, "I don't want to 'cause more problems. I'm better yet sidelining myself than out there trying to get my head controlled and turned into a villain."

"So you're going to try to be a hero?"

"....Whatever it takes."

The shadows pounced, attacking, spreading Dean's madness to Joker. They forcefully broke all of Joker's bones, as his mind became clouded with even more insanity. Dean walked up, "Everyone has a dark side." he recited, then snapped his fingers. Snapping the Joker's neck with ease.

On that day, The Joker was no more. There was only Dean Ambrose.

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