•Original Plan? No. (For Fanfic Bootcamp)

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It wasn't supposed to happen.

He should've followed what was planned. What was talked about in the office. What was in the contract.

It was supposed to be me; the baby hound, the two-toned, the ninja of The Shield.

Unfortunately, it wasn't me.

I wasn't going to get the money, the attention, or the power that The Shield abhorred. I'm not going to be able to get the Money In The Bank briefcase or hold the championship I wanted desperately too.

Yet, I wasn't alone in this mess.

I had The Lunatic Fringe with me.

We were in the ring, advancing towards Hunter and Randy then suddenly I was held back by Kane who snuck up on me. Hunter was holding a steel chair, and he was smirking at me while tears started to appear in my eyes. Dean's yells were as faint as mine in our ears as Hunter passed the chair to Roman and he began to slam the chair onto Dean.

Now, Dean was laid out in the ring. His head bleeding from a gash that Roman made in the side of his head. His back a crimson color as the top part of his attire was tore off from him and thrown off to the side.

He and Randy were advancing towards me, smirking and cackling at my helpless and shaking form.

I can't believe I was so selfish; to myself, and to Dean.

(I could care less about Roman as I realized that Dean was going to be enraged one between us two left. I would only be emotional in recovery from this betrayal. Roman was only the guy I knew who could tolerate Dean, and he was like a big brother to both of us. So him betraying Dean like that was going to lead up to a hellish nightmare for Roman.

...And it dawned on me as it gave me had a rough idea on what going to happen to me if they did followed the original plan.)

I guess power could corrupt anyone as I watch Roman change from the big brother I loved, to a cold-hearted bastard that was greedy.

Heh, and he said family was everything to him.

Pain struck hard.

The steel hitting my back repeatedly making pained screams leaving my lips. I desperately called for Dean, and in the corner of my eye, I could see him forcing himself to get up whilst groaning and grunting in pain.

Hunter was laughing in the background, watching as what the WWE Universe called the greatest fraction, implode and fall apart. It was satisfying sight to see in his eyes, I knew.

I couldn't fight.

My body slowly fell limp and my eyes began to get heavy.

Roman stopped and took a good look at me, the same look of satisfaction visible. At the time, I could only glance to my bloody hand then to Roman. My brown eyes red and glossy, as I murmured to him.

"How could you?..."

Roman smirked at me, "Likewise, Rollins."

Then I tasted copper. The feeling of liquid streaming down my face imminent on my skin.

Roman had hit me across the face.

Kane laughed as he threw me down, leaving me and Dean in the ring as he and the other three corporate men left. The blood mixed with my tears, my body sprawled out in the corner of the ring. I tried to get up and lean myself against the bottom turnbuckle but pain fought against that, making me fall back down in pained moans.

Somehow, the medical crew was 'busy' and didn't come check on me and Dean immediately. It took them maybe two or three more minutes before sliding into the ring and helping me and Dean.


"Where... Seth...!"

Dean's calls were faint in my ears. I could see he was looking frantically at his best of his abilities for me. I gave a small smile, fighting through the pain as I smiled through my tears.

He was okay...

I motioned to the person checking on me to help me get closer to Dean, they nodded and helped. And there we were, in the middle of the ring surrounded by specks of our blood.

I couldn't help but hug Dean tightly, crying out all my apologies to him.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... It should've been me... I'm sorry..."

I couldn't tell if Dean was mad at me or he was losing blood when he suddenly grasped me tightly. He stroked my hair, murmuring into my ear all he could to comfort me.

Yet his last words scared me. Before we were escorted to the trainer's by the medical crew.

"I wonder if being hit with a barbed wire bat hurts more than a steel chair..."

Everything was alright for a few days, for me at least.

For Dean, well, he wasn't the Dean I knew.

For me, I was extremely emotional. The Bella Twins and Dolph helped me out through the remaining days before the next RAW; Brie helped with the gash on the side of my head, Dolph talked with me to distract me from the incident and lastly, Nikki cooked me some food.

As for Dean, he just suddenly disappeared.

I knew he needed a breather, especially after something like that but this was a whole new thing I was encountering. I never saw him whilst recovering yet I had a rough idea where he was.

Somewhere isolated.

A series of events happened after at least 48 hours after Dean's disappearance.

First, a guy named William Regal called me. He told me about Dean's behavior when he was mad since he said he watched what happened at RAW. Basically, he told me Dean would become a different person when he will see Roman again.

Then, another guy called, this time it was Sami Callihan; who has told me he was Dean's close friend. He asked me if I know where his friend was (of course I denied his whereabouts), and that if I could accompany him a day before RAW. I complied.

We found Dean in an abandoned area somewhere in Cincinnati, continuously punching the wall as his knuckles slowly turned dark red. He didn't say a word to me, only giving me a worried glance. He just talked to Sami before returning to his 'punching the wall' routine.

Sami could only tell me, "He's not your Dean, anymore."

That's when I found out what that meant.

On RAW, me and Dean addressed the matter. I noticed his dialogue, and I have read the script we were supposed to follow, he wasn't saying any of his original lines. I grew scared.

Extreme Rules rolled around and we had a match against Roman and Randy.

Then the unthinkable happened.

There he was, laughing maniacally as he bashes Roman's head with the barbed wire bat.

Everything was over just like that. The match resulted in us in victory.

Dean made his way to me, mumbled, "C'mon two-toned, Moxley's gone.", and left.

I guess if they would only stick to the original plan, they wouldn't have made Jon Moxley return and unleash hell upon that who betrayed him.

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