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There will be talk of suicide...

"Hello everyone my name is Kevin Fiege and I am the President of Marvel Studios. I'm happy to have all of you here today, and I'm happy to welcome some new members into our family." He said. Sebastian Stan started clapping causing the rest of us to join in. "I'm here to introduce you to your directors the Russo Brothers." We all applauded again as two men stood up and Kevin sat down.

"Hello I'm Anthony Russo and this is my brother Joe Russo. We can't wait until we shoot because we're going to have so much fun filming. This is the turning point in the MCU. All the post credit scenes after the Avengers movies was to build up the hype and get people excited as to what was coming up.  Now that we get to do it is like a dream come true." He said.

"We're going to have so much fun shooting this aren't we?" Chris whispered to me as they continued to talk.

"Yep don't tell Tom Hiddleston, but I feel kinda intimidated because he's taller than me, you too bud." I whispered punching his arm a little bit.

He chuckled. "I promise I won't tell him."

We were all sitting in a chain of tables that made a really big rectangle because of how big the cast is. I was in between Chris Hemsworth and Chadwick Boseman. Anthony and Joe droned on and on about the movie. I eventually leaned my head on Chris's shoulder and drew cool designs on my hand.

Then I heard him say, "For today I need you to bond with one another so it'll be easier to get along on set. Tomorrow we begin shooting." Joe said.

"That's it for today's meeting. See you all soon." Kevin said.

Everyone stood up and started talking to each other while I banged my head on the table.

"Are you ok?" I heard Chadwick ask.

"I'm fine. Let's just say I'm still getting over someone." I said looking at a happy Tom. Both Chris and Chad looked over to where I was looking.

"Don't sweat it you got us." Chad said.

"Yea, you don't need tiny man arms over there. You have us the big guns to protect you." Chris laughed with Chad. I joined in too.

Then tiny man arms walked to where we were sitting and smiled. "Hey guys what up?" He asked.

"Hey man." Chris did a handshake with Tom.

"Hey." Chadwick said and shook Tom's hand.

I nodded my head. "I'll be r--" Chris and Chad held my thigh down.

"How've you been?" Chris asked grinning. I looked between the both of them and sighed sitting back. The more I looked at him the more memories flooded back.


I stood at the sink with a knife in my shaking hands and a devilish grin on my face. Thoughts flooded my mind.

You're not good enough.

He never liked us. It was just pity.

Nobody will miss you.

That other girl was better looking.

Just kill yourself.

I slowly started making cuts along my forearms, then my thighs. Blood streamed  out those cuts making me weaker and weaker. The last thing I saw was David break into my bathroom yelling something. Then I collapsed.

End of Flashback

"Oh I'm fine you know. London has been well. I just feel like somethings missing." He said looking at me. I readjusted my glasses and cleared my throat. "How've you been Y/N?" He asked.




"That's cool. Chadwick I've been meaning to congratulate you on your movie." Tom said.

"Thanks dude. Your movie was great as well." Chad responded. I tugged at the sleeves of my jacket and looked away.

I can't do this anymore.

"Oh hey I think Sebastian Stan called your name." I said looking at Seb.

"Ok then it was nice chatting with you guys. I'll catch you later." He said.

"Bye." Chris said.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I didn't hear Sebastian call him?" Chad said eyeing me.

"I couldn't do it anymore. That one little man caused so much pain to flood in my life. Ways you couldn't imagine. Ways you wouldn't want to..." I trailed off with a single tear falling down my face. I quickly wiped it away.

Chad and Chris hugged me tightly. "Don't cry please. It's only our first day. No one wants to see you sad." Chris comforted me.

"Yea whatever happened is in the past. You have to make mistakes and learn from them. Live life now. While you still can." Chad finished. They let go of me and smiled softly.

"You guys are like the best big brothers ever." I said smiling wiping away loose tears that fell.

"Hey is she ok?" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see CHRIS PRATT!!!!

My smile got bigger as I almost died from fangirling. "Uh yea I'm fine. Just... Something that's in the past." I said.

He studied me for a second and nodded. "Chris, Chris Pratt." He stuck out his hand.

"Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand.

"You're playing Nebula's sister right?" He asked.

"Yes, Yes I am." I said nodding my head.

"That's c--"

"Hey Chris-- Wait who's this?" Tom Hiddleston asked as he approached. OMG TOM HIDDLESTON!!!!!

"This here is Y/N L/N. She plays Nebula's sister." Chris P. said.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you darling." He said taking my hand and kissing it.

Oui Oui me likey.

"You as well." I said trying my best not to die.

He's so pretty.

My ears got really hot and I couldn't stop smiling. "How've you been?" Chris H. asked Tom grinning.

I'm surrounded by gorgeous men. I must be in heaven.

"I've been great thank you. I can't wait until we start shooting. To be honest I kinda miss those horns." Tom responded.

We all laughed.

Their laughs are heavenly. TAKE ME NOW!!!

We all sat there swapping stories about ourselves and fanboying and fangirling about Marvel movies. It was pretty great. A couple of more people came over and we laughed and joked a lot.

I'm so glad I have an opportunity to meet them all.

(Unedited as usuał)

𝚃𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚟𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎 ✌︎︎ (Sequel To Forever Yours) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora