<[-Chapter 3-]>

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"Another Rogue?!"

"AdderFlight, this is absurd!"

"Is Mapleclan slowly becoming a clan for Kittypets and Loners?"

Owlkit groaned. The muffled voices seamed to force their way into his head, burning and tearing at every part of his brain. He couldn't move, he felt awake, just numb. The pitpatter of gentle rain made his limbs feel old and cracked, whilst the lack of warmth made him shiver.

He felt the impact of ground, the sharp edge of a rock pricked into his paw.

"I will not stand for this!" A voice hissed. "We have enough rogues as it is, and we dont need another! We have nursery's for a reason AdderFlight!"

Clan cats!

Owlkit could sense an argument brewing. He wasn't sure whom it was going with, but he could tell by the tention in the air around him, and the anger in the cats voices.

"Stop it Rednose, he looks hurt. The least we could do is heal him before we-"

"Feed him and take care of him? Make him fat on our hard earned prey so he can just fail at every task as a warrior?"

The voice of the cat he guessed was Rednose spoke up. "I am not harboring another rogue! Graypaw was a dissapointment, but this?"

Owlkit opened his eyes. He expected the lazy drift of sunlight to prod his sleepy eyes, but all he could see was gray. Gray clouds covering the sky, a hazy drizzle washing over him.

He looked down from the gray abyss. Infront of him stood a silvery tom, black drops of speckled spots layed rest across his fur. The same sandy she-cat was standing to his right, back arched and green eyes glittering.

"Rednose," began AdderFlight. "I know your upset of what happend with EagleFeather, but-"

"Upset? How can I not be upset? It was one of..of him that got her killed in the first place!"

Rednose's eye's where locked onto him, and Owlkit shuffled away.

The silvery tom sighed. "Grief is a dangerous mindset to have, Rednose. Don't let it control you. This is a kit, Not even four moons by the looks of it. EagleFeather died moons and moons ago. Don't hold on to that grudge."

Rednose padded up to the silvery tom and raised a unsheathed paw, for a moment, the silvery toms gray eyes seemed to stay calm, unwavered by Rednose's prolonged attack.

Rednose dropped his paw and spat. "Your only lucky that your the Medicine cat, Silvereye. If it was any different, you would've been shredded long ago."

The fiery orange tom stormed away leaving a trail of anger in his wake.

He squeezed past a bramble like wall, leaving the clearing, and all of the cats in it.

Owlkit realized that sooner or later, the clan cats attention would turn back onto him. He tried to move, but his legs gave way the moment he tried.

The silvery tom snapped his head towards him and flicked his tail, AdderFlight nodded and padded towards Owlkit, she flipped him onto his back and pressed her paw once more against his throat, blocking the flow of air from entering his lungs.

Owlkit thrashed once more, but it was futile. The silvery tom reappeared with a leaf, on the leafs surface, a couple of black seeds rested upon them.

"Poppy Seeds." The tom explained. "They'll make you sleepy, don't worry, this wont hurt a bit."

The silvery tom pried Owlkits jaw open and dropped in poppyseed after poppyseed. AdderFlight clamped his muzzle shut for each one and pressed her paws against his nose, Owlkits only choice was to swallow the Black seed.

On the fifth, Owlkit was already feeling drowsy, his paws could barely move, and his heart felt like it was slowing.

The silvery tom nodded towards AdderFlight, and the she-cat stepped away.

Owlkit could barely get the chance to speak, before a loud shriek boomed from the entrance. A mixture of pure rage and pain.

"Give me my kit back, you monsters!"

A/N: Whoop! Chapter 3! As you can see, my writing style has changed and Im pretty proud of myself for that. But 50 views people! Whoop!

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