[Chapter 11]

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"Your despicable, you know that right Pellets?"

Owlpaw ignored Cloudpaws continued insults.

"What bird brain returns a mouse, a mouse?" She continues.

"This one appearently." Mewed Owlpaw through muffled mouse fur.

The twoleg place was insight. Twoleg things and trash littered the used to be mossy clearing.

Spikey, clear Ice like objects rooted up from the ground, glinting their sharp points in the sun.

How can a cat run through this without stubbing or getting something jabbed into their paws?

"How far is this place?" Whined Cloudpaw.

"How am I supposed to know?" Spat Owlpaw, jumping over more of the clear twoleg stuff on the ground.

"You wanted to come here. Surely you know where to go?" Cloudpaw objected.

"Nope. But I do know one way we cane find her." Stated Owlpaw.


"We use our sense of smell!" He snapped. "Just like any other cat would! Now quit you're whining!"

Cloudpaw scoffed, "Well Im sorry for being worried that our mentors might get worried about us."

Owlpaw rolled his eyes. "Ah great, now you're acting like Blackpaw."

"Me and Blackpaw are nothing alike!" Cloudpaw spat. She looked flustered.

Owlpaw blinked and turnes around, looked at her mischeviosly.

"Owlpaw! Dont you dare start!" Cloudpaw spat.

Owlpaw smirked and droppes the mouse.

He took a deep breath, and then screeched at the top of his lungs.

"Cloudpaw and Blackpaw, swimming in a river! Can't deny, both hearts dare quiver! First comes Mooning, Then comes Swooning, Then comes Proposals and a-"

Owlpaw never finished his chant.

Cloudpaw had pinned him down, pressing one paw dangerously on his neck.

"Finish.That.Kit chant. And by all of starclans will , I will tear your throat out." She hissed through gritted teeth.

Owlpaw's ears dropped. With a waft of courage, he began to finish the chant. "AND THEN COMES THE QUEEN-"

Cloudpaw shrieks and begans to claw him.


"Ow....Ow.....Ow..." Owlpaw limped on three, un-clawed legs.

Cloudpaw huffed and lead the scent trail. By now, she and Owlpaw had been moving in different parts of the twoleg dens.

Owlpaw had even seen a couple of cats, batteling each other for what seemed to be a strange, brown, meat smelling bird with no head or wings that lay ontop of a silver armored log.

Time by time, they would find large splotches of blood, cat blood, and torn claws.

After what seemed like moons, they found cats whom appeared to be non hostile. Two toms and a she-cat. All three where resting around what appeared to be heaps of...crowfood?

The sun by now, was long gone, leaving only glints of moonlight to bathe the cats.

What are with these cats and logs? Owlpaw thought self-consciously, looking at the logs that rested against twoleg dens.

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