[Chapter 4]

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"Keep your fur on! He's not going anywhere!"

"Im not letting you recruit him just so you can use him as a torture object!"

"Who ever said we where going to torture the little guy?"

"You just force fed him Poppyseeds!"

"To get him to fall asleep."

"You kitnapped him!"

"To recruit him as a warrior."

"But he cant fight!"

"He has a horrible teacher thats what." It seemed to go on, until he heard a screech, and the sound of tearing fur.

OwlKit shuffled in the darkness. He recognised the soft voice of Leafstorm.

He could understand a little bit of the muffled voices, the dry tip of his tounge seemed to burn in thirst, and his pads felt cracked and torn.

"He looks nasty!" Said a voice.

"Birdkit!" A she cats voice snapped.

"But it's true. Look at his nose,"

Whats wrong with my nose? Owlkit thought, it felt its regular way, just a little streamy.

"Its understandable to catch whitecough in a season like leaffall. But don't worry, as long as you stay away from him, no harm will be done."

That voice...Owlkit recognised it to be the same voice of the silvery tom.

"..I still cant beleive that rogue cat," spoke the she cat once more.

"Adderflight doesnt lie. This kit was abandoned near the river. No family scent or anything found around it. Serves the rouge right. Our warriors did a number on her."

They hurt Leafstorm? Owlkit tried to open his eyes. They felt numb, but he managed to succeed.

He was inside of a sloped hole, the gray light from outside made the stone visible to him.

Moss over hanged and grew on the side of the walls, and in one corner, a pile of herbs that Owlkit didn't even know by look or name.

Infront of him was a toirtishell she-cat. Pudgy by the looks of her flank. On her left, was a small gray she-kit.

On the far right, SilverEye was sitting.

"Look! He opened his eyes! Hello Rogue!" Mewed the kit.

The she-cat exchanged glances with the Silvery tom, he nodded.

"Birdkit. This is the fortunate rogue we found outside all cold and alone."

Now Birdkit? This is a load of fox dung. A bird cannot be a kit.

"SageDusk, he looks like he fell down a tree." Complied the She-kit who must be Birdkit.

SageDusk?.....Clancats are weird...

"You can't say anything." Owlkit retorted sharply. "You look like you fell down the ugly tree, while hitting every branch on the way down!"

"No I dont!" Said Birdkit.

"Do to!"

"Am not!"

"Do to!"

"Am not!"

"Do to!"

"Kits!" Snapped the SilverEye. "If your going to argue, then do it outside, not in here where we have sick cats!"

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