[Chapter 13]

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Owlpaw wailed as his body collided with the stoney ground near the waterfall.

"Get up!" Spat Skullstar.

Owlpaw rose to his paws shakily. His eyes darted towards his watching clanmates, Cloudpaw only had the look of regret.

"Explain to me what you did." Skullstar hissed, swiping Owlpaws muzzle.

"I-Im sorry! I-I..." He stuttered backing away.

Skullstar snorted and turned around, nodding at both Rednose and Cloverfoot.

The warriors dipped their heads and charged Owlpaw, claws unsheathing.

Rednose was first, sliding underneath Owlpaws belly and slashing at his underbelly, leaving Cloverfoot the chance to shove him.

Rednose than retaliated by biting down on Owlpaws ear.

Owlpaw yowled in pain, and thrashed out.

He swiped at Rednose, the warrior gracefully dodged his blows and barreled into him.

Owlpaw cried out as Rednoses attacks teared at his belly, and then his neck.

Im their clanmate! They can't possibly do this!

Skullstar then flicked his tail. Rednose looked up, his muzzle stained in red. He backed off.

Cloverfoot dipped his head.

Skullstar stopped right above Owlpaw, staring down at him like an eagle closing on its prey.

Owlpaw felt trapped. His limbs felt numb and he couldn't move.

Skullstar only glared at him.

"Give me a reason why we should spare you're life."

Owlpaw tried to speak, but his throat was filled with blood rising from the depths of his body.

Skullstar sighed, pressing a claw against Owlpaws throat.

"Useless. Utterly useless."

Owlpaw felt the slightest nuzzle against his neck, it first began to vibrate and tingle, until it burned.

The pain was like a fire ripping through his body, burning away his organs and blackening his bones.

His blood sprayed and created a pool around him, leaving redness in every direction.

His eyes darted to Skullstar. The tom was grinning, his claws still on the side of his neck.

Owlpaw yowled out one more time before the pain faded, leaving only a hum and Inky blackness.


"Wake up you lazy furball!"

Owlpaw awoke with a start. Cloudpaw was staring at him with a confused expression. Her tail was slightly drumming against the ground, and weak sunlight poured from the apprentice den entrance.

"Morning.." He slurred.

Cloudpaw rolled her eyes. "Finally! We have first call on nest's! Appearently Skullstar wanted us to rest today."

Cloudpaw bounced away.

Owlpaw stared after her, he could feel himself trembling, and his heart pounded like a thunderpath.

It was just a nightmare.. He thought reassuringly.

But somewhere deep inside him, he felt like that dream was bound to happen.

A/n: A filler chapter because Im too busy listening to Ignition and Hated you from Hello. :3 And still pretty bored. 😸

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