[Chapter 8]

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"Okay, I'll take the belly, and you can have the head."

"Ew! Now way! That thing has eyeballs! Those aren't my taste."

"We need every ounce of food, Gruff."

"Grimor, you get the intestines and I get the brain? That isnt a fair share."

"You need those brains any way!"

"How dare you!"

Owlpaws eyes fluttered open. He was inside another wall concealed area, just this one smelled worse than the others.

Suddenly, the sound of scratching and biting arose from his left. He looked to his side, a pair of what seemed two tiny, sharp fanged dogs where batteling.

"I saw it first Grimor!" Barked the Sandy coloured one.

"Nuh-uh! I saw it, and you ran to it!" Growled the brown one.

Their voices where squeaky and had a faint of rasp in them.

OwlPaw slowly rose to his paws, he didn't want any contact with dogs, including ones like these.

With the softest of pawsteps, he clambered to the other side of the wall.

There was a small opening, leading to a slope.

Owlpaw crept apon it. The slope eventually led to a bright light.

When his eyes focused into the light, he spotted a ledge no more than a whisker infront of him. The green area mixing with the pale beige.

Owlpaw could still here the rough biting and fighting of the dogs below.

No sooner after he had taken a step, one of the dogs yelped.

"Hey! Wheres our food?!"

"Grimor! You ate him!"

"No! You ate him!"

"No! You did! See, his fur is on you're teeth!"

"...Oh you're right! Its brown fur alright! Mmm...I guess in the fight, I must have beaten you, ate the cat, and then you woke up."

"Thats stupid Grimor!"

Idiots. Owlpaw leapt from the ledge. The disgusting pugent smell of the box soon dispersed as he jumped off of the ledge and onto the stony floor.

Suddenly, a wave of nausia hit him like a rock, and he stopped.

Why do I feel so....weak?...Where am I?

And then, he remembered it. The monster ride, the twolegs prodding him with every tool of their arsenal. And then, being chucked out of the side of a twoleg wall and into the box, where he was set upon trash and objects.

The clan....SageDusk.....I have to....to find them...

After what seemed like 3 moons of rest, he finally picked up himself.

"Okay....Okay...Just got to find...got to find-"

"Come down and fight me you Back-stabbing traitor!"

Owlpaw jumped. That was the voice of that she-cat from my dream!

He stood still, waiting. Another yowl:

"Cactus, finish her."

Owlpaw could hear the sound of hissing and scrabbling fur.

He clambered across the wall on his left and peered down. A single she-cat, was battling up to what seemed like a couple of...Kittypets?

He watched with interest.

Owlpaw silently rooted for her.

The first Kittypet cowered. The she-cat sneered at him.

"Scared, Kittypet?" She taunted.

The Kittypet gave a furious yowl and charged at her. The she-cat side stepped and taunted him.

Thats when the tom jumped, slashing at the she-cats nose.

The she-cat reeled. The kittypet took this as a chance to jump over her, but the she-cat in response gave him a accurate slice in the belly.

The tom landed on the ground with a painful grunt.

"Enough of this! Everyone, attack her at once!"

The kittypets from the sidelines leapt forward, baring teeth and claw.

A calcio hissed and slashed at her eyes, but the she-cat ducked and sliced open her nose.

When the Calcio reeled, two more kittypets stepped forward. They cornered the she-cat, and Owlpaw felt the need to jump in and help.

But the she-cat fought both off. Another tom kittypet leaped forward, but the She-cat sliced his throat.

Owlpaw watched in horror as the Kittypet writhed on the ground, going limp as blood squirted from his neck wound.

The other Kittypets charged, slashing and clawing until the she-cat was slammed into the back of the wall.

Owlpaw began to take a step forward, but once more, his nausia swept across his body.

The tom whom hadn't even fought yet began to laugh.

The she-cat spat and lunged towards him launched towards him.

The tom was caught off guard, and the she-cat pummeled into him, kicking and striking at his soft underbelly.

The tom in return ripped a chunk of her ear off, flailing his oaws and landing unnsecsessful blows upon her flank.

After mere moments, the tom was on the ground.

Owlpaw's heart stopped when he got a full look of the toms face.

"STORM!" He yowled.

Storm was begging for his life as it appeared, but he went silent when him and Owlpaws eyes met.

The same cat who saved us from the badger....why is she...

It was all Owlpaw could think of, before the she-cat slit Storms throat, and the surviving kittypets dispersed.

Owlpaw watched in horror as the light faded from Storms eyes.

The she-cat looked triumphant for a moment, before she looked down in horror at her blood stained paws and the dead cat whom lied only a mere foxlength from her.

The she-cat then padded away, turning a corner and dissapearing from sight.

Owlpaw stood on the wall for what semmed like moons, before leaping down onto the stone crested floor.

He nudged Storm.

"Hey..wake up! Its me! Owlkit! Remember?! You saved us!"

Storm didn't move, nor did he breath. His pale un-seeing green eyes focused on nothing.

Owlpaw stepped back.

No...not you too...I never even got to thank you..

He looked into the direction of where the she-cat had left.

"I'll...I'll get you! Do you hear me? I'll get you for killing my friend!"

With a surge of energy, he raced away.

As soon as he neared a thunderpath, a pair of sharp claws latched onto him, tearing at his fur and scraping at his skin.

Owlpaw shrieked and looked up into the pale green eyes of AdderFlight.

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