V-Day Hooligans Pt. 2

839 19 93

Theme Song: Bruno Mars- All About You

Bruno's P.O.V.

I'm so happy that Y/N and I are able to spend time together for Valentine's Day. There was no way I was going through the torture of spending it without her. I've missed her so much while I've been away. I couldn't take another minute of not seeing her sleeping beside me. She's been so supportive and understanding of my career and she doesn't complain whatsoever. I truly don't deserve her. I've broken her heart in the past and even through that, she loved me enough to give me a second chance. I made a promise to God if she ever took me back that I would spend my life trying to mend her heart and love her past her pain. I look down at Y/N and see her typing on her phone. "What you writing, babe?", I asked, holding her closer. "Just some song lyrics. Nothing major. Luke James has a project coming up soon and he wants my help so I'm just jotting some stuff down.", she replied. That's right...my baby is a songwriter and she can sing her ass off. However, she's never tried for a singing career. It's hard enough getting her to sing in front of me sometimes. She writes for other artists and brings their songs and ideas to life. With a smirk, I gently take her phone, placing it in my pocket. "Hey!", she says, laughing. I tilt her chin up, kissing her slowly and passionately. I pull away, gazing at my angel. She blushes, looking down, playing with her nails. I love the effect we have on each other. Even after 4 years together, she still makes me nervous as fuck.

"Bruno, I know we've been through our share of bullshit but I see how much you've changed. I see the love you give me and how much thought you put in towards my happiness. I love you. I'm in love with you so much. I couldn't see myself with anybody else other than you. You make me feel so special and safe. I love you so much Peter Gene Hernandez.", she said, kissing me softly. "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!", Phil and the rest of the crew yelled out as we all laughed. Leave it to them to break the moment! We burst into laughter, realizing that they were recording us on the private camera. "I love you too, my queen. I don't deserve you but I'm glad you're mine.", I reply as I hold her close, playing in her beautiful hair.

Moments later, we arrived at the airport and we hauled our luggage on our private jet. We all boarded the plane and I lay in my reclined seat in the back, which is where I always sit as I watch Y/N walk towards me, smiling at me. I noticed that she was carrying a small red box.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I know he always tells me to not get him any gifts but lucky for him, I'm stubborn as fuck. It's Valentine's Day! He always spoils me so it's my turn to return the favor. "Baby, I told you n-", I cut him off with a kiss. "It's Valentine's Day and there's no way I wasn't gonna get you something. Let me spoil you the way you spoil me.", I replied, running my fingers through his hair. I watched him open it as a huge smile came to his face. "OMG, baby! You're fucking awesome!!!!", he said as he kissed me all over my face. He pulled out two gold Versace rings that had the official Versace labels on it. I smiled as I watched him put them both on and posed a selfie for his Instagram.

 I smiled as I watched him put them both on and posed a selfie for his Instagram

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