Chapter 3 Foxfire wings

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“Where are we supposed to do now are house is gone.” said Danny’s dad and Danny.

“Would you stop crying you big baby we’ll build another one.” Said the mom with her hand on her hips looking at them. They stopped.

“We need to send to your wound so it won't git infected dear.” said the mom removing my hand from my wound.

“ It's all healed up." I said holding up my shirt to show my belly. Danny's mom walks over to the barn. Five minutes later she comes out with some new clothes. 

" Here's some new clothes.” She said handing me some folded jeans and a dark green tank top.
“Ok.” I said grabbing the clothes. I changed in the barn.  I went to the hay bales. And fell asleep on more down on the hay. I puffed out some of the hay it was uncomfortable but bearable.tossing and turning I couldn't sleep so I went out side of the barn. There was a full moon out tonight it looks so pretty. I sow a ladder on the barn that I could climb up to the rofe.I got to the top and breeze fet nice. I fell asleep on the haystack.

I woke up a few minutes later and it was mid evening. I was tired and felt like I was going to yell at someone if I spoke a word. My tail was covered in loose hay from the haystack. Got off the hay stack and walked outside and there was a shady spot where the barn was. I sat down on the dirt and started to pull out the loose hay out of my hair and tail.Danny came out of the barn looking like he just got run over by a horse but more tired. His eyes were half open.

“Whatcha doing”. asked Danny.

“ Pulling out the loose hay thing’s out of my tail and hair. But it's hard to do my hair.” I said.

“Do you want some help.” Danny asked.

“If you want you could pull the ones from my hair. And the hair on my ears.” I said patting the dirt next to me.
“Sher thing”. He sat next to me and started pulling the loose hay from my he'd. Then I smelled something. I stopped what I was doing and looked up there he was a darn wolf demon looking at me from the roof of the barn.

“ Hey you!”.I said getting up looking up at him Blocking Danny. Danny was wondering what I was doing.

“ Ya?”. He said looking at me from looking at his nails. He was laying down on the barns roof.

“Git down here!”.I yelled. He jumped down from the barn without a scratch. I’m blocking danny looking at the wolf demon glaring. My tail was puffed out like a cat.

“What are you doing here?.”I said almost growling.

“I have come to take you as my bride.” He said bowing down at me. My face was pale white and I was frozen where I sanded. Then I snapped out of it.

“No i'm not marrying someone I just met.” I said looking at him with a grr face.

“Feisty I like that.” He came closer to me and I stepped back bumping into Danny. He was shivering.

“Say behind me and whatever you do don't git in my way. I could not bare to see another of my friends git hurt By my hand.” I said looking at Danny then the wolf demon.

“But Blue.” said Danny looking at me from behind me.

“I’ll be fine.” I said.

“Let's dance two lags.” Said the wolf demon.I wint on all fours and transformed. So did the wolf demon he was bigger than me. And was a black wolf with a weight left paw. I darted to him and he tried to bite me and missed getting nothing but air. I jumped up and bit the side his neck. 

“Gah.” it yelled. He rammed me against the barn. That made me let go. But I got up and attacked him and bit him on the back lag. He was able to git me there and he got my side and pulled me off. I reverted out of my demon form. And slammed into danny.
“Danny i'm sorry.” he was out cold. 

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