Chapter 5 The dore

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I walked in the prince’s room.He was reading a book. 

“Hello prince.” I said formally.

“What's with all this formal stuff. Just call me chris.”

“Ok chris here is your breakfast.  You mind if I do this every day.” said Chris.

“Na I don’t mind.” he said with a smile.

“Have you eaten anything.” he said eating the bread.I shook my head no as I sat down at the side of his bed.

“You're welcome to git something from the kitchen. And if they don't believe you just say the prince said so.”

“Are you sure.” I said getting up.

“Yes now go git your food.” he said showing me with his hand. In 2 seconds fat I came back to his room with a loaf of bread in hand. I ate it in 3 bites. Chris was up and putting on a dark blue vest on and was buttoning it up looking out the window.

“You reddy blue.” He said looking at me. 

“Yes Chris.” I said looking at him wiping the crumbs off my face. We got outside and he went into a carriage. I looked at him and he looked at me.

“Come on blue how are you post to git there on foot.”

“I have a fear of carriage’s.” I said looking away from Chris. 

“Do you know how to ride a horse?.”said Chris looking at me from the carriage.

“No.” I said shrugging. 

“My parents just never taught me.” I said sadly.
“Get me my horse.”said Chris looking at the guards that were at the gate. And Getting out of the carriage.

“But sir your father gave us strict instructions.”

“I don't care what my father says I want my horse now.”He interrupted. 

“Right away sir.”said the guard bowing to him and running towards the Stables. When they got the horse.It was a white horse.Chris jumped on it he held out his hand and said.

“Come on blue. I won't let you fall off.”

“Okay. I said grabbing Chris's hand. He pulled me up on the back side. horse it moved a little bit I held onto his waist so I wouldn't fall off. 

“Will be back in 8 days. Don't wait up for us.” joked the prince looking at the guards.

“Don't count on it sir.” Said the guards joking along with him and bowing down at him. And we were off to our destination. Win we got there guards in iron armor greeted us by bowing and saying.

“My lady and sr. Come with us to talk to the king.”

“Yes right away but please take my horse to the Stables. Come on blue.” said Chris.

“Ok Chris.” I said following him after getting off the horse. When we got in the castle we were told to go to the library. So we did. The king was reading a book with one hand. Then he saw the prince and me. And closed the book with his hand and set it on the desk that was facing the door and the window in the middle of the room. 

“So you came.” said the king looking at me and the prince. I was standing beside chris now. 

“Yah I came why did you ask me to come here.” asked chris.

“Well you are the appropriate age to marry right.”he said walking up to chris. and stopping at arms length away from him.

“What do you say want to marry my daughter Annie.” He said putting his hand on his shoulder.

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