Loose Cannons

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"Fucking bitch!" I screamed up at the sky. One of the shots landed near me, causing my instincts to go on high alert. Grabbing my double bladed weapon, I got into a defensive stance and realized that it was a Decepticon Seeker that shot at me. "You wanna dance? Because I'm not in the best of fucking MOODS!"

"Get out of here human!" A cybertronian ordered from behind me. I glanced at him and lifted my free hand, transforming it into my plasma cannon.

"I only take orders from Primes." I replied blindly sending a shot towards the Decepticon. The mech behind me stared at me in shock before going back to firing.

.:: This is Special Agent Fowler::. The mech behind me shot at a human aircraft that hovered above us.

"Are you mad? That's human!" I growled at the mech.

.:: Woah. Stand down, Hot Shot. I'm on your side::. The human said before firing on the Decepticon. I turned back to the 'con and fired from my cannon some more. A stray shot from the human, came hurtling towards me, but I blocked it with my sword. A light appeared behind the mech and I and we both looked to see who was arriving.

"Had a feeling the Gang might show." the mech smirked as four brightly colored Cybertronians ran through what appeared to be similar to the portal I fell through.

"What faction?" I asked.

"Autobot, of course." the mech glanced at me.

"As long as they can actually kill this fucker, I'll help. Otherwise, I have to try and find my guardians." I turned back to the fight and fired on the seeker.

"Jackie." a big burly green mech helped the bot behind me stand, as a femme and one who looked similar to Bumblebee fired on the 'con as well.

The Decepticon ran and hid behind a gas station, before scanning the human aircraft from earlier. I tried to disrupt the scanning by throwing a knife, I 'borrowed' from Hound, but it was too late. The 'con ran off and the mech I was helping fired at the retreating Decepticon. One of the bots shouted and I swore it sounded like Optimus. A stray shot hit a gas pump, causing a huge explosion. That of which knocked me back a good thirty feet.

"Dreadwing rigged the place to blow." the mech scowled.

"Dreadwing?" the burly green mech asked.

"Actually that was your handiwork, Sparky." a small blue and pink femme stated. I staggered to my feet and picked up a rock, throwing it at the mech's helm.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME! IT'S BAD ENOUGH I'M WANTED BY TRF BECAUSE OF MY ALIEGANCE WITH AUTOBOTS! I THOUGHT THAT OPTIMUS PRIME WOULD HAVE TAUGHT YOU BETTER THAN TO CAUSE DANGEROUS EXPLOSIONS NEAR HUMANS! ALBEIT, I'M NOT AS HUMAN AS I USED TO BE THANKS TO MEGATRON, THE FALLEN, SENTINEL PRIME, AND LOCKDOWN. BUT STILL! WHERE ARE YOUR PROCESSORS?!" I screeched flailing my cannon around wildly. "You realize that this place is a fueling center. Gasoline is flammable. Just like energon. When I get back to my friends and family, and I can knock some sense into Prime, I'm going to be bringing this incident up."

"Who are you?" the green mech looked down at me. All optics were on me.

"Dawn Avalon Summers. Temporary Autobot leader, former charge of Optimus Prime, current charge of sparkmates Ironhide and Ratchet." I dryly summed up while inspecting one of the blades of my sword after turning my cannon back into a servo. Sudden exhaustion took over and my legs gave out. "Fuck."

"Let's get you two to base." The mech that sounded like Optimus ordered. The Bumblebee look alike offered me his servo, that of which I politely sat on as my sword turned back into the talisman.

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