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"Shockwave. You need to shut it down." Ratchet ordered as I opened my optics. My vision was blurry at first, but soon cleared. "I cannot allow you to harm Earth."

"The planet will not be harmed. Only its indigenous life forms." the cyclops replied as I slowly and silently sat up while equipping my relics from my subspace. Neither mech saw me.

"Over my sparkless husk." Ratchet growled before shouting and attacking the scientist. Since I was obviously out for a few days, my motorfuntions were severely delayed and I needed time to regain them.

"Just hold out a bit longer, Ratch." I whispered, struggling to my feet. Once I gained my balance, I lifted my shield and transformed it into the Cosmic-Rust gun. Ratchet was losing badly so now was the time to act. "HEY! Shut it down, or I use the Cosmic Rust."

"Avalon, you survived." Ratchet gave me a pained smile that became concern when Shockwave turned towards me.

"It would be highly illogical of you to use a weapon that doesn't exist." Shockwave's lone red optic regarded the glowing gun.

"Really?" I shot one of the drones in the room and he turned to a pile of rust. "Doesn't exist?"

     Before I could fire again, a beeping came from a monitor and Shockwave turned to it. The center of the room opened up and I watched in horror as the Omega Lock was revealed. As soon as the door was completely open, Optimus opened fire. I sent him a poke through the bond before taking off through the ship in search of my kids. Drones tried to stop me, but I used my gun on them. Rust particles covered the floor as I rampaged through the Nemesis. Using the bond I had with Arreis, I traced her and Orion to the Bridge. When I got there, Jack and Miko were staring at empty space. They didn't register my presence until Arreis came scurrying out of her hiding spot with a tiny red and blue sparkling in her arms. I dropped me weapons and hugged them as Miko and Jack came over.

"Is that your son?" Jack asked pointing to the tiny mechling. "How?"

"Don't ask. Too much magic involved." I shook my helm and looked at the control panel. "You two, babysit and try to get the ship away from Earth."

"Where are you going?" Miko questioned.

"To do what I should have done when I first woke up on this damn ship." I rose to my peds and grabbed my weapons before heading back the way I came.

"Good to you still alive." Smokescreen smirked as we ran towards the Lock together.

"Just barely. Screamer ripped Orion out of me when I got on this damn thing. Arreis is with him, thankfully." I used my gun on the door and it rained rust on us as we ran through.

"Optimus, catch!" Smokescreen went to throw the Star Saber down when Shockwave shot him. I made to dive for the Star Saber, but I was hit in the side and sent flying over the edge. Using the falling to my advantage, I pulled forward the Navy FA-18 fighter schematics and transformed into said jet.

"MEGATRON!" I screeched angrily opening fire on the Warlord. Optimus looked up at me. "Keep you head in the game! We have to snuff his spark. He wouldn't listen to reason the other day."

Off to the side, I saw Bee with the Star Saber. He was on the far side of the Lock.

.:: Optimus, Avalon. One of you must use the Star Saber or the Sun Saber to destroy the Omega Lock. There is no other choice!::. Ratchet said into the comm.

"The Sun Saber isn't easily accessible at the current moment." I replied shooting at Megatron. "It's gonna have to be the Star Saber!"

"The Star Saber!" Megatron growled pushing Optimus into me. We both fell to the side, Optimus slightly crushing my cockpit. The Warlord fired three shots at the scout and I screamed after transforming.

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