Chain of Command

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"I wish we could have taken one of the cruisers from my ship." I muttered leaning against the back wall of Ultra Magnus' ship.

"They would have been faster." Wheeljack agreed.

"Soldiers, keep your opinions to yourselves." Ultra Magnus ordered.

"I'm not a soldier. I'm a fucking spec ops leader." I scoffed. "You should do well to remember that, Captain."

"You told him!" Sideswipes voice snickered from a back pocket.

"Shut up." Sunstreaker growled at his twin.

"Alright you two, get out here." I pinched the bridge of my nose: cause I have one in this form, and sighed. The silver and gold colored twins sheepishly slid out of the pocket and bowed their heads.

"We didn't like being stuck Dinobot sitting. So we left Ironass to do it." Sunstreaker defended.

"As soon as we land, I'm calling for a groundbridge to send you two scouts back to base." Ultra Magnus turned to the twins after putting the ship on autopilot.

"Disregard that. He's being a bitch. We could use the extra set of servos." I received high fives from the brothers before they sat on the floor against the wall.

"Why do you do that?" Ultra Magnus demanded.

"Because for one, they are from my dimension, so they only follow my orders. Optimus knows that and whenever we are in MY ship, I'm the one in charge. Outside of that, Optimus makes the rules." I got in the mech's face. "This mission will make me decide if I have to knock you down to Sargent. So you better mind your Ps and Qs, Soldier."

"Damn she's good." Sideswipe chortled.

Time Skip...

Ultra Magnes' ship landed and we all gathered on the platform. Bulkhead seemed really nervous, most likely due to the fact that the Wrecker leader and I were at each other's throats. Ultra Magnus started giving orders while I just rolled my optics and walked off with Wheeljack following behind me. The twins activated their battle masks and ran after us. As we got closer to the edge of the cliff, I picked up my pace. The four of us jumped with a shout from me.

"Yeehaaw!" I sounded like a true Kentuckian. While the three mechs climbed down, I took advantage of my flight thrusters. Rocks fell on our heads and we looked up.

"Jackie, Ultra Magnus wants us to..." Bulkhead tried to stop us.

"Bla, bla, bla. He's not in charge. Princess hot head here is." Wheeljack jerked his head in my direction. I wanted to hit him for the nickname but I looked down and shushed everyone. Below us were five guards.

"Wrecker fact number seventeen." Wheeljack looked at Bulkhead.

"Guards never look up." the green mech replied before losing his footing and sending some rocks falling. When they landed on the ground, the drones looked up.

"No witnesses." I said powering off my thrusters and falling with the Forge in one servo and the Sun Saber in the other. The twins and Wheeljack fell with me.

"This is so much fun." Sideswipe laughed. He and Sunstreaker each took a drone. Wheeljack took one, and I took the last two. When we finished, my drones were either pancakes or vertically halved.

"Good work, boys." I smiled at them.

"Its what speed and stealth do!" the twins smirked up at me. More drones came out and we all groaned.

"Scrap." Wheeljack activated his battle mask, while the twins switched their peds for wheels.

"I suggest you two get your lazy asses down here." I shouted mainly to Ultra Magnus. As the drones opened fire on us, I activated my battle mask and charged forward.

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