Birthday Surprise

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"Hey Dawn." Miko called. I was trying to hide Grimlock in his room, but I had to drag him a clinker and she caught me. She nor Raf know about the Super form I have when I come into contact with the Sun Saber.

"Busy!" I replied slamming Grim's door shut and locking it. Only Optimus, Ratchet, and I could lock and unlock the garage door.

"What's in there?" she chirped popping up from no where.

"Classified." I grunted when Grim hit the door with his tail.

"Uh huh. Is there another bot in there?" she looked at the massive door.

"No. It's a project of mine. Something that is so deadly that it has to be kept in there." I threw her over my shoulder and passed through the lock barrier I built. When activated, nothing can go through on either side. It requires a special password.

"So when will we be able to see it?" she questioned.

"Never. Unless you some how end up being taken prisoner by the Decepticons and held for ransom for relics." I deadpanned. Like that was going to happen.

"Fine." She huffed. "So, when's your birthday?"

"Which one. My actual birthday or the day I became a partial Cybertronian?" I hummed.

"Real one, duh." she huffed.

"May 26th." I replied setting her down in the main room before I turned back and went to my room. On the far wall in a relic case, floated the Sun Saber. "Pops, Ironhide. What am I to do now?"


"Right, you're in a different dimension." I growled kicking the corner of the huge desk. "FUCK!"

"Dawn, could I..." Optimus stopped in my doorway and looked down at me as I hopped on one ped while holding the other in pain. "I'll come back later."

"Wait, don't." I let my ped go and held out my arm. Optimus paused and turned back to me. "What did you want to ask?"

"I wish to discuss what Alpha Trion spoke to us about." Optimus walked further into my room and the door closed behind him. Shit... "Could you please take the Sun Saber so that we may converse comfortably?"

"Um... yeah, sure." I climbed the case and reached in. As soon as my servo touched the sword, I was big again. Venting softly, I placed the Sun Saber on my back struts where it clicked firmly into place. "So what exactly do you want to discuss about the message?"

"Alpha Trion mentioned that you could save this Earth, unlike in your dimension. What did he mean?" Optimus sat at the desk and I vented heavily. Man, I'm sighing a lot.

"When I was sent here, Quintessa was having Cybertron consume Earth to free Unicron and repair the planet. To this day, Cybertron and Earth are attached for eternity." I crossed my arms and sat on the desk. "If that bitch hadn't of sent me here, I could've stopped her and repaired Cybertron another way. Maybe with the Matrix."

I clutched my servos to my chassis.

"If she had never sent you here, I wouldn't have met you." Optimus gently took my servos and pried them away from my chassis. "I know we haven't spent much time together except when stargazing or decoding the Iacon relic locations, or sharing histories of our dimensions."

"This isn't a fairy tale." I tried to free my servos, but he held firm. "This is war. Nothing can change that. I've lost so much."

"I've lost more than you could ever imagine. You and the Knight have brought this war closer to ending." Optimus' face was quite close to mine. "Come on a drive with me."

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