Project Predacon

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     I was woken up by loud crying resonating through my ship. As I made to get up and investigate, I was held back by an arm around my waist. A very large arm, around my Prime form's torso, while the Sun Saber was no on my backstrut. Peeking over my shoulder, I saw a sleeping Optimus. Confused I began to look for my sword when I saw a band of metal around my wrist of the same color and markings, as well as the markings from my talisman that made up my double edged sword. The crying grew louder making me snap back to my objective. Gently removing Optimus' arm, I stood up and noticed some plating with my colors was on the floor. A bright blush covered my entire face as my frame began to heat up. A draft of air made certain parts of my frame cold, so I scooped up the plating and put it back where it belonged. I peeked at Optimus and saw he was missing his codpiece.

"Fuck." I hissed with a groan as I left the room and began the walk of shame back to my quarters next door.

"Avalon." Ratchet's voice made me freeze in my place. There was that crying again.

"Morning Ratchet." I put on a fake smile and turned to face the medic.

"Armor scratched, walking on the tips of your peds back to your rooms. I don't want to know." the medic sighed. "Arreis has been crying for over an hour and I can't get her to be quiet while I work."

"I'll take her." I took the screaming sparkling and held her close. She soon quieted down and a relieved vent escaped the medic. "Go do whatever it is you were doing."

"Thank you." Ratchet nodded. I looked at Arreis who had big bright optics regarding me in curiosity.

"I know something that will cheer you up." I cooed at her, walking past my quarters and to a section of the ship I never let anyone go in. "Now, how about a song?"

Arreis babbled and flailed her arms around.

As I was about to start singing, a clang came from the main area of the ship and shouts.

"What is it now?" I groaned. Arreis giggled and I gave her a small smile while leaving my sanctuary and following the sounds of arguing.

"What were you thinking soldier?" Ultra Magnus growled, looking down at Wheeljack with a glare.

"I was thinking, Bulk would catch that lob." the finned wrecker replied. I leaned against the wall with Arreis watching curiously.

"Allow me to make myself clear. As Optimus Primes second in command, I have no intention of tolerating Wrecker behavior." the mech shouted. Arreis began to fuss, but I quieted her down before walking between the two mechs.

"Ladies, you're both beautiful, Arcee is the drop dead gorgeous one, and I'm the sexiest of all. But need I remind you that I am the Second in Command?" I glared more at Ultra Magnus than Wheeljack. "Jackie was just trying to have some fun."

"You are on maternal leave." Ultra Magnus said.

"Like Hell I am." I spat. "Just because I am taking most of the responsibility for Arreis' care, does not mean I am staying at base like a den mother."

"Ava has a point." Wheeljack smirked. With my free arm, I smacked the back of the shorter mech's helm.

"Ma'am, I will not condone a caregiver to leave their ward behind to go fight." Ultra Magnus glared right into my optics. "Anyone who takes the responsibility of raising a sparkling is forbidden to fight."

"Is that so?" I snarled handing Arreis to Arcee. "Let me show you what a MOTHER can do when pissed."

"Ohh, bitch fight." Sideswipe snickered.

"This is gonna be good." Sunstreaker replied.

"Should we be worried? Especially since Optimus isn't here to hold Dawn back?" Jack asked.

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