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      When Optimus and I made it to my quarters, he sat behind the large desk that used to hold my living area, but I moved that to the cybertronian berth. I jumped out of his servo and flew over to the data shelf with all the datapads. One was on a shelf by itself. The soft hum of my flight thrusters was the only sound in the room as I picked the device up with a grunt. When I got it to the desk, Optimus turned it on and read the page I had bookmarked. His optics widened and I suddenly felt stupid.

"No one is to know. It could prove deadly to everyone. Including you." I crossed my arms and looked down. "There's one relic left from my dimension, here. It might be with this dimension's parallel relic."

"What relic?" Optimus gently placed the datapad down. Primus, his optics are so mesmerizing.

"The Star Saber is your dimension's, the Sun Saber is my Dimension's. I read about it in one of the Datapads you lent me." I rubbed my arm.

"If what my counterpart says is true, it could also be a turning point for us. But I will honor your request." Optimus stood up and left my quarters. My spark pulsed towards him.

"I can't believe you, Flames. I really, really cant fucking believe you!" I clenched my servos into fist as I clenched my teeth or is it denta now? Who cares anymore.

-Time Lapse: Two days-

"Found it! Old Road Rage didn't waste any time posting it. Raf will scrub it once he's back from house hunting." Jack assured everyone. I was leaning against the railing pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Is this what you learned while serving Alpha Trion?! I highly doubt he would've condoned such irresponsible behavior." Ratchet yelled.

"Blowing your cover is not okay." Arcee scolded the rookie.

"Sorry guys, I know I really messed up." Smokescreen apologized.

"Can I punch the shit out of him again?" I pounded my fist into my palm to make my point.

"No." Ratchet stated.

"Damn." I muttered.

"Although, while Ratchet and Arcee are correct. I believe that we are all responsible for this incident." Optimus looked at everyone, including me.

"US?!" Arcee and I gaped at Prime.

"How?" Ratchet spluttered.

"We weren't even there!" Bulkhead added. Bee whirred something. "Well, Bee was."

The scout elbowed the Wrecker.

"I'm just a human!" I tried to pull hoping it would work. "I can't help him. Even if you asked, he would end up coming back as a metal pretzel... Yum, pretzels."

"Our recent efforts have been so focused on averting crisis, that we have overlooked simple matters. Such as teaching Smokescreen how to best function on this planet. It is an oversight that must be corrected." Optimus said. I groaned and made for the elevator. Smokescreen started to suck up to Optimus.

"KISS ASS!" I shouted pointing to the rookie before flipping the race car off.

"Language!" Bulkhead reminded me.

"Whatever, Captain America!" I called back as the elevator doors closed behind me.

     When I stepped out into the sunlight, I sighed in content at the warmth on my metals. It was still a bit surreal to learn that since I no longer have any flesh; meaning my hair is made of fine metals fibers, I'm practically a full cybertronian now. As well as I am now officially Ratchet and Ironhide's creation, since my metals came from their metals. It was weird. As I sat with my face mask that was part of my combat suit; that Ratchet and I designed, loosely hanging around me neck. I closed my white optics as the breeze blew stray strands of hair around my face. Sunlight glinted off my dark royal blue visor as I soaked up the warmth and prayed for some sort of tan from the Nevada sun.

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