Ch. 2 Time Transfer

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Margaret's POV:
I'm at a loss, here.

I could either fade out of existence or let my best friend die... Again.

I still can't believe Elijah could be so stupid.

Everyone knows that, when you travel in time, you don't change anything.

Just look at Back to the Future.

Marty Mcfly nearly wiped out his entire family by interrupting his parents' meeting.

I can't completely blame Elijah, though.

Whoever pulled him through the portal knew he'd be at that exact spot, so he/she is to blame.

Calm yourself, Margaret, I thought. No one needs you freaking out.

After arguing about it for a few minutes, DJ convinced me to let Fiona try to make contact with Elijah, but not to over-do it.

"Any sign of pain, you get out of there, understand?", I stated, firmly.

"Calm down, Marg. I'll be fine.", Fiona stated, not making me feel any better.

We were ready, and I was a nervous wreck.

The plan was to have Fiona drift into a deep sleep and attempt to merge with her past self.

However, the last ghost who did this was shredded or eviscerated when she went back to the past.

She closed her eyes and started glowing brightly, too bright that I had to shield my eyes.

Man, she better not get herself hurt for you, Elijah, I thought.

Meanwhile... in the Past
Elijah's POV:
If I knew how hard it was to put two people in the same place and time, I would've planned this better.

Surprisingly, both Mom and Dad go to the same college, which is Hope College, here in Holland.

I'm also roommates with my Dad, so you would think that that would be easy to deal with, but they're on two different sides of the school.

Dad's in the athletic department, until 7:30, then does his morning classes, mostly science, until 2:15, then takes a run.

Mom, however, is in the Science Lab all morning, then goes to the park to read.

I've been trying to get them both in the park at the same time, but it's only a second when they are near each other, then one of them turns around, and goes the other way.

It's like the universe is fighting me, trying to keep my parents apart.

Plus, my mother has invited me to dinner with her parents tonight at 7:30, so that's stopping me too.

It's official; I'm Marty Mcfly.

I was walking behind Dad, who was practically sprinting when I saw something strange.

I saw a person glowing, actually glowing.

I thought I was hallucinating, so I rubbed my eyes, and the glowing stopped.

Then, I saw the same person collapse on the ground, back first.

I ran to her, to check to see if she was okay.

What I saw both made sense, and confused the hell out of me.

It was Fiona, but younger in the face, about 16-17.

I helped her up and took her to a bench in the park, setting her down.

"Wh- Who are you?", Young Fiona asked, confused.

Quantum: The Stories of Elijah Samson Book 2: Lost in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now