Ch. 4 The Attack

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Elijah's POV:
Not gonna lie; my dad showing up at the time he did was very lucky because my entire right arm had fully disappeared, and everybody was too distracted to notice.

"So, what are you doing here?", Mom asked Dad, interested.

"Sorry for just popping up, but I heard that there was a party here, and I don't know; I felt... drawn here.", he replied.

"You felt drawn here?", I repeated, trying so hard not to sound happy.

"Yes. I can't explain it. I just... felt like I needed to come here.", Dad finished.

"Well, since you're here, would you like something to eat, Daniel, was it?", Grandma asked.

"Well, I don't want to impose-", he started, before Grandma interrupted.

"Please, I insist.", she stated, and she led Dad to the table, where he sat down.

"Wow. everything looks very good.", Dad stated, as everyone sat down at the dinner table, which had steak, potatoes, and green beans on its surface, including pitchers of what looks like sweet tea.

"Elijah, don't you have to be going?", Mom asked, considering I just said I needed to leave about 3 minutes ago.

I looked at my arm, which was starting to solidify, and stated: "Not at the moment, no."

Incidentally, Mom sat right next to Dad at the table, and she also couldn't take her eyes off him.

John just sat down beside Mom, which made me a little tense, but I didn't wanna blow my cover.

"So, Daniel, since you heard about this little get-together, I'm assuming you know my daughter, Angela.", Grandpa stated, staring at Dad intently, and grabbing a steak, putting it on his plate.

"We've seen each other around, but we haven't actually talked, Dad.", Mom started, slightly blushing.

"What do you study, Daniel?", Grandma asked.

"I'm in the Bio-science Technology Program, studying genetic make-up.", he replied.

"Oh, What a coincidence. Angela's in there, too.", she replied, gesturing towards Mom.

"I'm hoping to create a serum that enhances a person's immune system, allowing them to heal from any cuts or bruises.", Dad explained.

At this moment, I choked on a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

"Are you ok, Elijah?", Grandma asked, concerned.

"Yes... ma'am. Wrong... pipe.", I coughed.

I swallowed it and instantly felt better.

"Actually, I'm wanting to do something similar, Daniel.", Mom replied. "It's kinda the same concept, but instead of the immune system, it's more like enhancing the senses."

Again, I choked, but this time, it was on a green bean.

"Somebody give this man a drink or something.", Grandpa stated, slightly annoyed.

"Sorry... wrong... pipe...", I coughed.

I took the cup beside my plate, and poured some tea into it, and drank it.

After a few seconds, I stopped coughing.

"Whoo. Again, so sorry about that. I'm used to eating a lot faster.", I stated.

"Well, do us a favor; slow down.", Grandpa replied.

Everyone except John laughed.

"John, you haven't said a word all evening. Is something wrong?", Grandma asked.

Quantum: The Stories of Elijah Samson Book 2: Lost in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now