Ch. 3 Helpful Complications

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Robin's POV:
I cannot believe that I just kissed my cousin; my blood cousin, no less.

Honestly, I don't know what came over me.

One second, I was watching her walk upstairs after caressing my sides, and the next thing I know, I'm opening up my eyes from kissing Margaret.

I don't even understand; I've always liked guys, even from a young age.

Now, unless I caught on to...

Then, it occurred to me.

My power deals with electricity, so if there was a shift in the electrical pulses of her brain, then it might've activated my powers without my brain's knowledge, having me black out.

I don't know how I knew that, but I'm assuming it's because of my powers.

Now, back to Margaret.

It looked like she was as shocked as I was that she was caressing my sides, but while I was blacked out, it was like I was reading electrical impulses because my whole head in the subconscious started to see visions, but they weren't random.

They all had two things in common; all of them had a girl in the vision, and each one had Margaret kissing the girl.

In fact, the visions looked as if they were focused around... Fiona.

Now, I'm no expert on people, but... Actually, I am an expert, and usually, when a person has a person on their mind, it usually means that they liked... the... person.

That's when I came up with the assumption that Margaret was a lesbian.

By the time I was able to focus on what I was doing, Margaret was breathing heavily, and looking at me aggravated.

"What...the hell...was that?", she stated, out of breath.

I couldn't focus on anything.

All I could say was "Why didn't you tell me that you liked girls?", making her face go shocked.

"Wha- I- I don't-", She sputtered.

"Oh, please. I saw your thoughts.", I stated, crossing my arms.

"What do you mean; you saw my thoughts? You can't do that.", she stated, scoffing. "Can you?", she asked.

"I'm not exactly sure. When I saw you walk off, I blacked out. Next thing I saw were these images that were playing in the darkness that had you and Fiona together....", I explained, faltering at the end.

"Doing what exactly?", she asked, hesitantly.

"Well, in a lot of them, you guys were kissing, but it wasn't my imagination, I promise you.", I stated.

"Are you sure?", she asked, looking away.

"Trust me. It's not something I would imagine.", I replied, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Where were we, in the visions?", she asked, still looking away.

"Well, the visions were at random places, but-", I started, before Margaret interrupted.

"Where?", she asked, more forcefully, looking right at me.

"The park, SHO, and... here.", I stated, faltering at the end.

Her face told me the truth.

"Look... If it's hard for you to talk about, then that's fine. Just... know I won't judge you.", I stated, before walking upstairs to my room.

I mean, it's 2021, and if people aren't okay with the LGBTQ+ community by now, then they're just haters.

Hell, even the Christians are nice to the LGBTQ+ Community, considering.

Quantum: The Stories of Elijah Samson Book 2: Lost in TimeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora