A Clue

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Sitting down in a concrete alleyway, Peter chewed his stolen apple slowly, taking a breath in between every bite. Something was wrong with him, there was no doubt about that. His legs ached, and his chest felt tight and hurt whenever he ran-which he couldn't do for long periods of time. "D-damn!" His body shook as he coughed and choked on the bite of apple. Spitting it out and feeling a sharp sting in his mouth, he realized his tongue was bleeding-must have bitten it, he thought, head swimming. "Maybe you should try finding another school." A homeless-looking man walked up to Peter on the ground and held out a hand. Taking it and standing shakily, Peter scrutinized the man, and then, curious, asked, "What school? There's-cough-another one?" The hobo nodded. "Find Professor Alistaire." He started to shuffle away, and Peter went to follow him...

...but he was gone.

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