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Amara's eyes fluttered open and she groaned. Almost immediately she felt something impairing her breathing-a tube that went into her nose and wound around her head. Lifting a weak hand and pulling it out, Amara examined the burn scars that ran across her pale skin. Her whole body hurt, especially...she pulled up the blankets covering her and saw that she was in a pair of blue underwear. Her entire chest was bandaged. I'm alive she thought. She just barely remembered being saved by...Peter? Amara wondered, seeing something silvery out of the corner of her eye. She glanced that way, and thought she saw Peter, but them he was gone and re-appeared on the other side of the room. Then he disapppeared again, and reappeared back where she saw him the first time. Amara was puzzled—maybe she was hallucinating?—until she realized with some amusement that he was pacing back and forth too fast for the eye to see. "Peter." She called, grateful to hear that her voice was okay. Peter turned towards her, dark brown eyes with large, tired purple circles under them. "Mara..." He whispered. He stumbled towards her—his legs shook, how long had he been pacing like that?—and she held out her arms and he collapsed into them, shivering. "Peter..." She was astonished at his depression. "I though you were going to die...I...I was so scared...I wasn't fast enough I'm sorry..." Peter clung to her, voice muffled by the bandages as he buried his face into her chest. "I would have died." He whispered to her. He was still shaking. "Peter...Peter what are you so scared of?" Peter swallowed hard and hugged her tighter. "I'm terrified that you're going to...to...I'm s-scared..." Amara rubbed his back soothingly, and then felt bandages through his shirt. "Peter, what...?" She pulled his shirt up and off, revealing the bandages that wound around his torso. They were old and blood seeped through them. "Peter..." Amara spied a roll of gauze on the table next to her, and she grabbed it. "Now it's my turn to help you." Peter tried to hug her again, eyes glassy, but she pushed him away. "No." She unwrapped his bandaged and gasped at the many sets of four long claw marks. "Victor." She recognized, running a finger over them carefully. "There's no infection..." Amara muttered, and she ran a flaming finger over the deepest of the wounds. Peter didn't realize what she was doing until he felt pain. He cried out, and Amara's other hand gripped his as she cauterized the wounds. "There." She said when she was done. Peter stared deep into her blue eyes and they both leaned towards each other. "Amara..." Peter picked up one of her hands and kissed each burn lightly, from her palm all the way to he neck and he planted a long kiss at her collarbone. She smoothed his tangled hair down, and he wrapped his arms around her, no longer shaking. "I love you." Amara said to him. "I love you too." Peter and Amara's lips met-to him, her lips tasted like campfire. To her, his lips tasted like...mercury. She smiled and he chuckled, still kissing. "What?" He mumbled, mouth moving on hers. "Nothing, Quicksilver." Amara said, drawing him into the kiss again.

Friendships and Alliances, a MARVEL FanficWhere stories live. Discover now