Something Wrong with Peter

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"So how's Peter?" Ear asked Amara two days later. She sighed angrily, a tendril of fire searing his jeans. "Geez! Watch it!" "Sorry." She mumbled, walking faster. Ear watched her walk for a moment, purposely and stiff-legged, and then dared to ask, "Where are you going?" "To Professor Alistaire!" She cried incredulously, as though it was obvious. "Peter hasn't said a word to anyone for the two days since he's gotten out of the infirmary! He doesn't even run! He's pale-paler-, he looks so depressed all the time..." "So, that's it." Ear said, musing. "What's it?" "You like him." Amara stopped in her tracks. "What? I-" her face glowed like firelight. "You should go talk to him. You're worried about him, I see that. Go talk to him." Amara continued on her way though. "I don't want to say the wrong thing though." Ear hesitated, then nodded. "You have a point." His voice became mocking. "Ms. Aquilla, on your way!" She punched him lightly in the arm before continuing on.

"Professor?" She knocked on the door and it opened. "Amara. I knew you'd be coming. Come in, please." "Professor, what's wrong with Peter?" "Pietro Maximoff, yes, I knew you'd taken a liking to him." "Pietro-Peter's name is Pietro-?" Alistaire nodded. "He prefers Peter." "What's wrong with him?" Amara blurted. "He's depressed. For the first time in his life he feels like a mutant." Amara's light brows furrowed. "He is a mutant. What do you mean?" "Let me explain. Peter always thought of his power as a gift. Something that he could use for himself, something that made him stand out. S. H. I. E. L. D. made him feel like a freak. For the first time he actually feels like people are wary of him...instead of in awe." Amara stood there, face pale. "Poor Peter...I had no idea..." She hesitated for moment before asking, "So should I talk to him?" Alistaire's eyes grew wide. "Yes! Heavens, yes! He needs someone to talk to! Go now! Go! Go!" "Alright, geez!" Amara fled his classroom and went to Peter's.

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