The Awakening

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I opened my eyes, with a hurting head. I sat up so I can get a better view from where I'm at. I was sitting out in a forest with a group of people unconscious on the ground. The players were fully conscious now.
I asked, "What are your names?"
I heard, Kenji Lee Daiki, Hisoka Xiong Haruo, Tomohiro Chang Akihiro, and Tsuyoshi Xiong Yoshiro from the boys.
I heard from the girls; Naomi Yang Chieko, Misaki Cha Yukiko and Chinatsu EG Hiroko.
I introduced myself to the players.
"Hi, my name is Kazuki Cha Kiyoto," I said.
Everyone liked the new, strange, and odd names.
We had some items as our start off? As our start off we had blankets and bags.
Hisoka found a book and read to us what the message was.
The book was our directions of what we need to do to get out of this weird place.
My point of view was so like a RPG or some related events of this, like as if it is an anime called, "Sword Art Online.''
I was feeling energy in all directions. I do not know if it is normal, but I was guessing it was the dimension I was in. Everyone strongly agreed to leave this area to start the journey of getting out of here. We all went down a hill and saw a strange campsite. It was very empty, so we stayed and camped for the night due to nightfall. Everyone was scared to sleep and just couldn't because they were out in the wild and they don't even know what is out in the woods. I volunteered to stay up and monitor everyone during sleep and everyone had strongly agreed.
By an hour later, Everyone was sleeping and it was just me that was up.
I stared into the intense fire and I heard some kind of sound, like a snapped twig.
I turned around with quick reaction and saw a man with purple pants, turquoise shirt and white eyes. The white eyes were very intimidating, but I remained calm and watched his movements.
He spoken an awareness that made me curious of what he meant.
"Be aware boy, I shall be waiting for all of you to come....."
In a blink of an eye, the man was gone. I felt dizziness and I fell on the ground looking at the sky with such beautiful stars. I then got up and started hearing groaning. I reviewed everyone's status, and everything seemed fine.

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