Two Luthors

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"...take my whole life too..."


This was madness.

Ask any scientist in the world whether it would be feasible to reconstruct a device created by none other than Lex Luthor within a few hours and they would tell you just that: it was utter madness. So who better to attempt the impossible than Lena Luthor, right? Who better to defy the odds and come up with an implausible solution to a seemingly unresolvable crisis? Well, Lena herself would disagree this time.

Because despite the fact that she'd made a career out of attempting the improbable and would usually leap at the opportunity to laugh in the face of adversity, she didn't feel that way this time. She didn't feel like laughing at anything right now, because Kara was once again putting her life at risk.

Alex had kept them informed through the DEO's comms (that Lena was still listening in on), and it had been a strange experience. Sure, Lena was glad to know that Kara still had her powers and that she wasn't dying just yet, but the disturbing play-by-play of Kara's struggles to keep her mother's killing machines from reaching the hospital was not exactly helping Lena's concentration. Neither was the information that the NCPD was being attacked by those floating turrets as well, and that they were not doing too good despite most of the DEO agents being sent over there. Apparently the operation had turned into something of a target practice, with the agents playing the part of the targets...

But it was about to end. The madness was about to come to an end, because the formidable team of Lena Luthor and Winn Schott Jr. was almost finished. One hour and forty-two minutes in, they had actually almost completed the inhuman task and by god, if they managed to get away with this, Lena might have to actually let the man give himself a sidekick name!

She was currently on the first floor, slamming the door of a supply closet with a victorious glint in her eyes, because she'd been able to find her old failed attempt at creating a universal food disinfector. She clutched the small test tube with colourless liquid tightly, spurting towards the stairs as fast as her heels would allow her to, to get the chemical down to her private lab.

Once she reached the door to the stairs, however, she came to a sudden halt and pressed herself against the wall, because she heard voices echoing through the staircase despite the fact that her building was supposed to be empty. It was only a moment later that she realised she shouldn't be surprised by the intrusion, considering who worked her front desk.

"This is a really bad idea!! What do you even want to do?!"

"I just want to see if there's something we can do to help!!"

"And we have to go outside for that?!"

"Yes, we do!!"

Lena felt herself relax upon recognising the voices.

"But there's nothing we can do! I'm not a doctor, and last I checked, you're not a doctor! So whatever you think-"

Lena stepped out into the staircase, facing the two arguing assistants, as Jess flinched in surprise while Hector gave a high-pitched scream and ducked away behind the woman. "What do you two think you're doing?" Lena asked coolly.

"Ms. Luthor!" Jess exclaimed, still recovering from her shock. "We- we just, um... thought we would get some extra work in... and..."

"That's what she thought," Hector interjected, stepping out from behind Jess and lowering his voice to a manly octave. "Ms. Workaholic over here basically threatened me, just to make me come to work."

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