Chapter 2

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a/n: made this chapter a bit longer and changed the chapter from 3rd to Khalil and Jens POV so... enjoy!
I sat on the bed with Anissa for what had felt like ten hours while caught up. She got started a new job at the clinic and it feels like I never get to see her anymore.
"So about... you and Khalil." She smirked.
"What about me and Khalil?"
"I heard you guys talking on the phone earlier today, about how you two want to take things to the next level?"
"Why were you ease dropping during my phone call with Khalil?" I asked, scrunching my brows.
"Because I'm your older sister." Anissa sat up. "And I have a right to know what going on in your life." I sighed and rolled my eyes.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and quickly pulled it out hoping it would be the only person I wanted it to be.
Khalil💘: hey J. You want to hangout tonight? We could go for a movie or just grab a bite to eat?
Jen😍❤️: a movie sounds great ;)
Khalil💘: How about I pick you up @7:30?
Jen😍❤️: Okay. I'll see you then❤️
"I'm guessing by the huge smile on your face, you're texting Khalil?"
"You May be right. And he may have just asked me out on a date tonight?" I giggled.
"Where are you going?"
"To the movies. I have to pick out something to wear! Shit! Seven thirty is only two hours away."
"Only? Jen, Your not auditioning ready for America's next top model. Just keep it classy."
"Okay so like ripped jeans and a T-shirt classy or dress classy?"
"Umm. Jean and t-shirt classy?"
After about twenty minutes later Anissa and I had picked out what i was going to wear .
I took a shower, styled my hair and did my makeup. I've never been the type to wear a shit ton of makeup so I just did my brows, applied some mascara and put on my favorite gently gloss. Before I knew it, it was 7:25.
The doorbell rang.

Jefferson opened up the door.
"Hi Khalil. We weren't expecting any company."
"Hi Mr. Pierce. Um I actually here to take Jennifer out to see a movie- if that's okay with you."
"Jen it's for you!"
"I'll be down in a minute." I yelled.
Jefferson looked back at Khalil.
"Okay so I'm not going to lecture you and bombard you with questions but just know that if you hurt her or pressure her into anything she doesn't want to do..." he chuckled.
"It's not going to be-"
"Hi Khalil." I said smiling.
"Hi Jen. You look beautiful." Khalil smiled.
"You kids have fun tonight. Jennifer you have to be back by curfew." Anissa said from the top of the stairs.
"Ready to go?" I asked, already halfway out the door.
"Yes. Nice seeing you Mr. Pierce." He said before escorting me out to his car.
"So what movie are we seeing tonight?"
"Well um I was thinking we could see the new movie Our Last Goodbye." He said opening my door before getting into the car.
"That sounds great. I've heard its a really good movie."
He started the car and we were headed to this theatre.
"I know I've already said this but you look really good tonight."
"Thanks you too." I could feel the butterflies coming back.
When we got inside we walked up to the concession stand, ordering a large popcorn, a large icee and some candy.
"If your cold I brought a blanket." Khalil said as we sat down in our seats.
"You know me so well." I smiled at him.
After the ads finally were over the movie was starting.
When the movie started Khalil wrapped his around me.

After the movie we decided to grab some food at Liam's, a new spot a block away from the theatre.
It started to sprinkle as I walked Jennifer up to her front porch.
"I had a lot of fun tonight." Jennifer smiled at me.
"Damn. I love that smile of yours." I licked my lips.
Jennifer grabbed my face and kissed me. She pulled away smiling.
"Maybe I'll see you later?" She asked.
"Oh you definitely will." I said causing her to laugh.
"Bye Khalil." She unlocked her from door.
"Bye Jennifer." She gave me one last smile before closing the door.

Jennifer and Khalil Where stories live. Discover now