Chapter twelve

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"Long time no see, Jennifer."
"I need help. How do i stop it? How do i make it go away!" I could feel tears start to stream down my face.
"Control your breathing." She said. I sat in a salon chair and started to calm myself down.
"Now steal your mind, your soul, still your heart." I nodded my head. "Can you feel that?" She asked as i smiled.
I could feel myself lowering onto the ground. I look down at my hands, back to normal.
"So.... hows this 'khalil' boy doing?" She asks me as she sits in a salon chair.
I sigh and sit down next to her. "Not so good."
"What's going on?"
"Khalil May or may not be working with one of the most powerful men in freeland. He might of sort of kind of tried to kill my dad. BUT In his defense he doesn't know black lightning is my dad." She doesn't respond, just keeps the same facial expression from before.
"Tobias." She says, her voice calm.
"Yeah.... how'd you know." I dryly chuckle.
"Don't get yourself into something you can't get out of." She simply says.
"I know that." I roll my eyes. "I just- I don't know what to do anymore." Khalils been blowing up my phone for days now and I'm just not ready to talk to him." I shrug.
"Do what you feel is best for you."
"I know I'm going to eventually have to talk to him. Can't ignore him forever."
"Well that's good because he's calling you again." I look down at my phone and slowly pick it up.
"Hello..." I say.
"J." He sounds relieved.
"So you've finally decided to give in and talk to me."
"Khalil. Don't start."
"Okay." He sighs. "Listen, J. I'm sorry. I didn't intend for any of this to happen. I still love you and I was hoping... maybe this could actually work out?"
"Khalil. Are you serious right now?!?"
"I know J, Tobias is dangerous. But I don't have a choice. I still love you and I'm hoping the feelings mutual."
"I love you too, Khalil. I just need a break right now."
"Okay. So you're saying their might still be a chance...."
"Bye Khalil." I laugh before hanging up.

Currently sitting on my hotel balcony at the beach and I couldn't be happier. Since I'm in such a good mood... lemme go ahead and write these next chapters!

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