Chapter 8

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Update (8/10/19): I kind of felt like these chapters are kind of making Jennifer seem desperate and super dependent so that's why I'm going in and editing each chapter. So sorry but I will be posting a new chapter soon.
I sent Khalil another text. He hasn't answered In days, hasn't been showing up to school. If he was, he was seriously trying to avoid me at all costs.

Anissa knocked on the door. "What do you want?"
"You missed dinner." She sat at my desk.
"I'll eat later."
"You can't hide out in here forever."
"He hasn't answered me In almost a week. I just need to know if he's safe."
"Jen, don't worry about it. Khalil's fine."
"You don't know that." Anissa didn't respond she just looked down at her phone.
"Have you told mom and dad yet?"
"Nope. Wasn't planning on it."
"Mom and dad are eventually going to find out. One way or another."
"If it comes down to it I'll tell them bu-"
"Jennifer. Can I come in?"
"Why didn't you come down for dinner?" Mom asks, clearly concerned.
"I'm not hungry right now."
"You never miss dinner."
"Yeah, well I'm still not hungry."
"Is it Khalil?"
I looked over at Anissa who wasn't making eye contact with me.
"I'm sorry Okay!"
"Last time I trust you with any confidential information." I mumble.

My WiFi sucks and my phone has been acting up lately so sorry for the short crappy chapter but I'm trying❤️

Jennifer and Khalil Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora