Chapter eleven

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"Keisha. It's really nothing." I lied. "Just some family issues that are none of your business." I gave her a knowing look and she laughs.
"Girlll. You know me too well." She smiled.
"Nosey ass." I giggled.
My phone started to ring again and I quickly decline it and turn my phone on do not disturb.
"Foods here!" We hear a voice say from down the stairs.
"Coming!" We both said in unison as we ran out of Keisha's room.

"Dinner was so good girl." I said.
"Right. I'm gonna have to buy some bigger pants after tonight. I'm five months pregnant with a food baby." I playfully rolled my eyes.
My phone started vibrating again.
"Oh my god." I roll my eyes in annoyance.
"Who's calling you now?"
"Khalil. Again...."
I finally decide to answer the phone.
"I miss you J." He says.
"Khalil. I need some space."
"I know but this past week has been really rough without you." I didn't respond.
"Can I see you?" He asked.

*typing this next part on my computer so the spacing is gonna be weird so sorry in advance*

"Khalil. Can you please just give me some-" I felt my body start to heat up. "i- i need to go. bye" I hung the phone up and ran into Keisha's bathroom.
"Jen. Are you go-"
"Yeah. I'm good just one second." I lied. I stared at myself in the mirror before looking down at my hands. I closed my eyes and-
"Welcome back." A very familiar voice says.

"Hi Perenna." I say sighing.

If you are enjoying my chapter or have suggestions for what you want in this book, make sure to vote and comment!

OKAY so i promise the next chapter i publish will be a longer one because i always feel the need to be extra and post short chapters. The next chapter should be up tomorrow but my summers been very chaotic, which is why i havent been posting any new chapters lately. I went in to like all of my old chapters and edited them and published them again so if you want to go in and reread them then you can. Sorry, i talk too much but yeah thank you so much to all of you for reading this book.

until next time! KM

Jennifer and Khalil Where stories live. Discover now