Chapter 5

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Hey guys it's me :). Thanks to everyone who has been reading the book so far. Make sure to vote and comment on my chapters and feel free to comment suggestions because I want this story to get better.
Okay so enjoy chapter 5:
She sat nervously staring on the pregnancy test on the counter.
"Khalil. I'm scared. What if the test comes out positive?"
"J, don't worry. I'll be with you every step of the way."
A couple of minutes went by and it was time to check the test.
She took a deep breath before picking it up.
"It's positive Khalil. I'm pregnant." She said, tears starting to stream down her face.
"I'm feeling a little dizzy." Those were the last words she said before passing out.
"Jen? Jen! Jennifer!"
She gasped and immediately sat up.
"Get up. Your gonna be late for school." Dad said, standing over me.
A wave of relief passed over her when i realized it was just a dream.
I slowly but surely got out of bed, not forgetting to turn my speaker on before picking out my outfit and getting into the shower.
"Good morning." Mom said as I walked down the stairs.
"Morning Mom." I grabbed a cereal bar off of the counter.
"Anissa's already in the car."
"Damn. She was really bout to leave me."
"Language." Dad said as he poured coffee into her favorite cup.
"Sorry! See you later! Bye!" I kissed moms cheek and ran out to the car.
I decided to tell Anissa about my dream I had on the way to school.
"I know! Please don't tell anyone though. Only you and Keisha know."
"Okay I promise."

"if you would've let me drive, we wouldn't been here about a hour ago."
"Girl shut up. You know your ass can't drive!"
"Shut up!" I laughed.
"Love you." I hugged her before we made our way into the school and went our separate ways.
I felt a pair of arms wrap around me as I stood at my locker.
"Hey J."
"Hi Khalil." I said, 100% sure everyone within a 100 mile radius could hear my heart beating.
"Okkayyy! I see y'all!" A familiar voice said.
"Girl, I heard the whole school been talkin bout y'all."
"Good. I want the whole world to know how beautiful my girl is!" I smiled.
"Aye Khalil!" A guy for the track team yelled across the hall.
"I gotta go j. See you later."
"Okay!" I gave him a quick kiss before he ran off.
"Omg y'all are sooo cute Jen!" Keisha started jumping up and down.
We all sat around the kitchen table during dinner.
"How was your day Anissa?"
"They ran out of coffee in the teachers lounge so my morning started off a bit rocky but other than that... it's been a pretty good day!"
"What about you mom? Wait, let me guess... 'It was just work'?"
"How did you know." She chuckled.
"What about you Jen?"
"My day was good."
"I bet it was good." Anissa mumbled.
"What was that sis?"
"Huh? I didn't say anything I was just clearing my throat."
After dinner I played music off my favorite playlist as I stared at my ceiling.
I felt my phone vibrate as I looked down at it.
Incoming FaceTime call from Khalil💘
"Hey Khalil!" I smiled.
"Hey Jen. We need to talk."
"About What?"
"You know I love you and I'm only doing this because I care about your safety."
"You're scaring me. What's going on?" Not gonna lie, my heart started racing....
"Jen. We need to break up."
"Wha- Why?"
"It doesn't matter why. Just know that I still love you and this wasn't me choice."
"Then who's choice was it?"
"I have to go."
"No Khali-"
FaceTime called ended.

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