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OK. Hey, why am I starting with exams? 'Coz I'm SUPER stressed out about them coming. and I'm receiving mental breakdowns. So I'm venting my feelings. I've read that MATH is Mental Abuse To Humanity and a lot of people agree on that. So you know what makes exams? EXAM: Education's Xtreme Abuse to student's Minds. If you have a better name, please tell me. Obviously, exams are to test the student's intellect as the education system says, right?


We can already 'test' our intellect in IQ test that are WAY less stress than the DAMN exams.

How 'bout testing our progress?

So? You make exams SO stressful I doubt that anybody's progress is legit in the exam.

How about creating competition among students?

What?! Exams DON'T create competition. It's either WAR or giving people a defeatist attitude.

And exams, as 'they' say are supposed to be good?

So, why are exams created?

Let's start with who.

Someone from some education department from who knows when long!

'They' created exams or as I call it, operation E.X.A.M. An operation to 'test' the young generation but in actual words, torture the young minds to insanity.Testing their willpower and mentality by giving useless questions to the students. Those who can survive it are welcomed to society as 'useful' but in reality becoming a slave to E.X.A.M where they birth children and insist to infect children's minds with E.X.A.M. Why? Because they didn't survive. You don't. You become one of 'them'.

Why did they turn over?

Someone created operation Education's Xtreme Abuse to student's Minds to torture the minds of students to cram info that may not be needed for a set of papers. This process of it all in the before, during and after is just nerve wracking and DEFINITELY warped your mind.

Before the exams: Hell lot of things to revise and cram until some might as well be in MPH( Mental People Hospital) and always worry about what you learned and didn't learned. Is this all? When will it end?

During the exams: You look at your paper, flip through, a few seconds of silence and your mind screams in agony to find an answer to the freakin' questions. Unfortunately, the E.X.A.M have a bunch of 'subjects' to use and torture with different formats. You don't know where to turn. There's not enough time. If you cheat, you fail. You will be SUPER unsure of yourself and just want it to be over! It's a lose-lose situation!

After the exams: You are nervously waiting for the results and fidget, thinking you could have done better and on and on. The teacher tortures you by making you wait for the results. Then when it comes, it can feel like a slap to your face either way.

The aftermath is hell worse. You will repeat the process until college and 'they' always whisper it's good for you. With so much of it, like a drug, you believe 'them' and like a drug addict become one of 'them'. Then they ask you to provide the future generation and repeat this vicious cycle again. There is NO escape.

All in all, Education's Xtreme Abuse to student's Minds is a fitting name asoperation E.X.A.M has succeeded in it's mission of torturing our minds and making us mindlessly insane with it's multilayered formats, questions and pure insanity. Making us fragile to use and influence us into their bidding. It's a vicious cycle as E.X.A.M will weaken us to mindless zombies in the future making us help E.X.A.M with it's next victims where those 'victims' free world will be crushed to tiny bits!

No one can escape and even if you try to escape, those people 'high up' make sure you live a horrible life after and even if you finish the torture of E.X.A.M, it will be still there, torturing people leaving them afraid and scarred. The parents aiding E.X.A.M involuntarily by giving expectations to the children making them vulnerable and disappointed...

So help them by abolishing E.X.A.M for the happiness of children so they can live their life free as a bird. Anyway, I doubt exams will be needed in the future when people use tech for education and all stored in the chip. Then heck, who needs education let alone exams. So just rid of it right now and you are doing everyone a HUGE favor! Ending the vicious cycle. Saving a lot of minds and innocence! Preventing many a defeatist attitudes!


OK, that's a wrap!

Let me think what you think. I know this is short and stupid and silly but like I said, I'm bored and I'm trying. So just comment and good luck reading this!

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