Chapter 14

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4 months later

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4 months later

"yo where you at bitch?" Natalya yelled through the phone

"At my shop bitch. What you want?"

"My rounds! You think you can just come around and steal everybody man you home wrecking ass bitch!"

"You sound very angry. Bitch it's been 4 months and you still mad" I laughed only to stop looking up to see Quincy smiling at his phone. I hung up and walked over to him.

"Who's texting us?" I snatched his phone

"Nobody mane, give me my phone yo."

"Obviously someone got your attention because your ugly ass over here smiling real big. Shit you don't smile at me like that the fuck." I said looking at his phone

"Wow." I muttered looking at the nudes he was getting from some girl & the ones he sent. It wasn't of his dick but of him with no shirt on with shorts on showing his dick print

"See nobody told you be nosey, now yo feelin's hurt." He tried to grab his phone. But I moved it

"We've been together for only 4 months and this what you doing!" I asked calmly staring in his eyes

"Mane it ain even like tha-"

"YES THE FUCK IT IS LIKE THAT" I screamed throwing his phone into the brick wall, shattering the screen.

"Boe what the fuck! You fucking tripping. Why you threw my damn phone."

"Don't act like the fucking victim." I slapped him. He grabbed my arms pinning me to the wall

"Keep yo fucking hands off me yo. You crazy"

"Bet. I'm done with your fucking stupid ass. You're a disgusting ass nigga." I pushed him off me getting my stuff and walking out my shop, not before locking up.

"Ryan! Mane come here!" He yelled trying to grab me. "you overreacting. I'll block her mane."

"Nah do you." I said getting in my car locking the doors.

"You know I love you girl. These hoes mean nothing to me."

"And you mean nothing to me bitch!" I yelled watching the hurt hit his unfaithful ass face.

"Bye bitch!" I yelled driving off

• • • • •

"Yes can I get the 20 piece chicken nuggets meal" I ordered and paid

"You order will be up in 5 minutes." I nodded going to sit with Brad.

"Hey sexy"

"Don't start Brad. I'm not in the mood." I huffed

"What's wrong?" He questioned concerned

"Caught Quincy getting nudes from some bitch." I shook my head and laughed bitterly. "Been going on for a while."

"Well what did you expect. The same way you got him gone be the same way you lose him." He shrugged

"What you mean?"

"He tried fucking with you and Natie at the same time. What? You expected him to be loyal?" He laughed and when I didn't respond he got his answer.

"Listen Ry. If he did it one time he'll do it again. That nigga don't love you."

"Yes he do" I argue

"No he doesn't, I'm a nigga I know. He dont deserve you-"

"You didn't either"

"I know but I loved you, still do. I'll always love you, you're my first love and I'm sorry for everything I did to you but I don't want you to keep getting hurt. I hate seeing you cry." He caressed my face. I sighed moving my face to my own hands.

"If he does anything stupid again I will beat ole boy ass."

"Here's your order ma'am"

"Thank you"

"I got to go but don't worry I got you" he said and left

• • • • •

"You better be careful what you do to me cause somebody might do it to you!" I sang boiling some beef noodles

My phone vibrated in my pocket so I picked it up about to look at it but before I could check it there was a knock on the door.

I placed it on the coffee table and huffed going to the door opening it.

"What you waaaant" I whine

"I want to talk to you." Quincy walked in my house

"We ain got shit to talk about." I cross my arms

"I'm sorry Ryan mane. I blocked her and the other girls in my phone. Ain none of them important, you all I need. I'm sorry baby. I honestly don't have a reason for why I did it "

"I don't give a fuck, I don't believe shit you say and you're a liar."


"B-b-b- baby my ass-" I cut off smelling my noodles boil out. I ran to the kitchen taking the pot off of the stove, turning it off.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?" He asked holding up my phone with a whole lot of nudes and videos from Brad and... Zayn?

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